User Accounts

Pathway: Setup > System > User

The User Setup screen manages the setup and activation status of all user accounts. In here, roles and division access can be added and removed from a user's account. This tool provides an option to filter the User Setup screen by Department and defaults to hide inactive accounts from view.


The following permissions are required to add and edit user accounts:

Permission IDPermission Name
95     Setup Main Menu
120     Setup \ System and Security

Add a New User

The following process applies to the creation of new user accounts. Fields highlighted in red are required.

Assign Users Roles

Roles are grouping  of permissions users must be assigned to work within the Navusoft application. Roles are created and maintained by a system administrator and display under the Roles tab in a user's account.

Assign Users Divisions

Divisions represent distinct operational locations, regions, or municipalities where a company serves its customers. They allow companies to effectively cater to specific areas. For instance, a waste management company may establish a division in Houston to serve residents there, while maintaining another division in Austin for the Austin residents. Each division is associated with a user's account, granting them access solely to the information pertaining to that particular division.

Inactivate a User

To prevent unauthorized access from employees who have left, an employee's user account should be inactivated upon their employment end date.

Related Articles:

User Security Basics

Permission Setup

Role Setup