Pathway: Setup > System > Division
This article outlines the setup of a Division, which serves as a distinct operating unit for organizing accounts. It plays a key role in streamlining operations, billing, and reporting processes.
The following permissions are required to add and edit within the Division Setup screen:
Permission ID | Permission Name |
120 | Setup / System Security |
Use the Details tab to enter division-specific information, such as contact and address details. Fields highlighted in red are mandatory for saving.
Field | Description |
Name Required | Field to enter the name of the Division. The name entered here is what displays for selection in Division fields throughout the application and on reports. |
Main Phone Required | The main phone number for the division. |
Toll Free Phone | Toll free phone line for the division. |
Fax | Fax Number for the division. |
Main email for the Division. | |
Time Zone Required | The time zone the Division is located in. |
Service Notification Email | The 'Sent By' email address that is populated when a service notification email is sent. |
Division Group | Division based on internal grouping, primarily used for reporting purposes. |
EPA ID | Field to enter the EPA ID for divisions that handle Regulated Medical Waste or Hazardous Material Removal. |
GL Segment | If utilizing GL segmentation, enter the division segment number here. |
External DB ID | External ID field for database imports. |
Note | |
Logo URL | Option to upload a Logo URL for the division. |
Auto Process Service Changes Required | Controls whether service changes require approval in Accounts > Order Processing. If a change is submitted for an existing service and auto processing is disabled, the service will appear with a blue banner on the site.
Enable Integration Required | Select None. |
LockBox Import Format | If using a LockBox account, select the format here. |
LockBox Non-Matching Account | Enter the account information for any non LockBox payments to be sent to another a separate bank account for further sorting. |
Customer Portal URL | The Customer Portal URL for the division. |
Customer Portal Past Due Text | Text that displays upon login when an account is past due. |
MailChimp API Key | |
MailChimp List ID | |
SMS Text Default User | |
RO Disposal Rev % | |
Camera External ID | Enter ThirdEye information to connect to account. |
Account Custom Setting Class | |
Site Custom Setting Class | |
Exclude From Navu Sales | Excludes the division from displaying in the sales screens and pipelines. |
Adjust Amount Requiring 2 Approvals | If an amount is entered here, a secondary approval will be required for invoice adjustments that exceed what was entered. A message noting the requirement will display at the time the user adjusts the invoice as well as on the Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History screen. Approver 1 Logic This setting takes into consideration the user's Adjustment Approval Limit assigned to the user's role. If the value entered for the user role is greater than the adjusted amount to the invoice, they are considered approver 1. Approver 2 Logic Once the adjustment has received its first approval, the same approval logic will apply for the second approver. |
Refund Amount Requiring 2 Approvals | If an amount is entered here, a secondary approval will be required for refunds that exceed this value. A message noting the requirement will display at the time the user submits the refund request. Approver 1 Logic This setting takes into consideration the user's Refund Approval Limit assigned to the user role. If the value entered for the user role is greater than the refund amount, they are considered "Approver 1." After the first approval, the status will remain "Submitted for Approval." > Example: Refund Request Amount = $500 and User Refund Approval Limit = $1000. User is authorized to approve refund request. Approver 2 Logic After the refund has received its first approval, the same approval logic will apply for the second approver. After the second approval is captured, the status will be updated to "Approved." |
Credit Card / ACH Processing
The Credit Card / ACH Processing tab activates Credit Card and ACH Processing for a Division. Fields highlighted in red are required to save.
Field | Description |
Enable Credit Card Processing Required | Selections here affect the display of the Add icon in Accounts > AR History > Wallet and the Wallet feature in the Customer Portal. If 'No' is selected, the icon is not displayed. Options include:
Credit Card Gateway Required | Select Pineapple. |
Gateway Env | Controls if this is a testing environment or live.
Gateway API Key / User Name Required | Field to enter the Gateway API Key provided by Pineapple. |
Gateway Trans. Key / Password Required | Field to enter the password provided by Pineapple. |
Gateway Credit Card Merchant ID | Field to enter identification number for credit card provided by Pineapple. |
Gateway Bank Merchant ID | Field to enter identification number for bank account provided by Pineapple. |
Gateway Settlement Time Required | Indicates the settlement time for the payment batches. Any payments recorded after the time selected will be applied to the next day's payment batch. |
Credit Card Bank Account | Select the bank account payments are to be sent to from the available options. |
Payment Receipt Notification Template Required | Select the Payment Receipt Notification Template that will be emailed to the customer upon receipt of payment. Notification Templates are created in Setup > System > Notification Template |
Declined Payment Notification Template Required | Select a Declined Payment Notification Template that should be emailed to the customer in the event a payment is declined. Notification Templates are created in Setup > System > Notification Template |
Payment Refund Notification Template Required | Select a Payment Refund Notification Template that should be emailed to the customer in the event a payment is declined. Notification Templates are created in Setup > System > Notification Template |
Inter-company billing involves invoicing transactions between different divisions. It's crucial for tracking internal costs and keeping financial records consistent across all business units.
Fields and Descriptions
Field | Description |
Enable Disposal Billing | Determines how internal disposal is billed.
Bill To Site | Identifies the specific site disposal transactions will be billed against. Requires prior setup of a site. |
Disposal Charge Code | Specifies the charge code to be used for internal billing. A charge code for inter-company disposal must be set up beforehand. |
The Addresses tab is used to set up addresses for legal documents, return mail, billing, and invoice redirects.
Address Name | Address Description |
Legal Address | The official address used for legal and formal communications regarding the division. |
Return Mail Address | The address where undeliverable mail can be returned to. |
Bill Remit Address | The Bill Remit Address is where payments for an invoice should be sent. This address may differ from the legal address, particularly if payments are processed at a separate location, such as a central office or third-party payment processor. |
Redirect Invoice Address | An alternate address to which invoices are sent instead of the Bill Remit address. |