Updated Articles

  1. All Reports - Report Time Stamp to Display Local Time (14864)

    Timestamp logic has been updated to all reports to use local time. Pathway :  Reports > Standard Reports; Analysis; Custom; Generate Manifest Summary Report ...
  2. Work Orders - Vendor Rate Not Displaying in Charges Tab (14906)

    Previously, when an on call order was created from a service with vendor rates associated, the rates did not populate into the work order's Vendor Rate column (Charges tab). This has been fixed. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account (cus...
  3. Site Geocoding & Service Time - Screen Updates (14973)

    The Site Geocoding & Service Time screen has been updated with the following: ID column will display the site ID. The Service Region filter will continue to display the 'All' option after first use. Pathway: Operations > Site Geocodin...
  4. Standard Reports (AR) - Payment Reversals, Transfers and Refunds Report Split into Two Reports (14892) [Enhancement]

    The Payment Reversals, Transfers and Refunds report has been broken out into two separate reports: Payment Reversals and Refunds Payment Transfers Both reports are available in Standard Reports > AR. Pathway: Reports > Standard Rep...
  5. Work Order (Disposal) - Option to Show Disposal Ticket Image on Customer Portal Added (14801)

    The option to allow users to view the disposal ticket image on the Customer Portal has been added to the work order in the Add Disposal / Shipment tab. Select 'Include Ticket Image With Invoice and Make Available in Customer Portal' to display the a...
  6. AR History - Logic Update to Period Selection (14891) [Enhancement]

    Logic to the Period in the Invoice Adjustment screen has been updated to the following: The Period selector defaults to the period matching today's date. The Period selector will only display one period back if the period is still open. If ...
  7. SMS Verification - Timestamp Displays After Sending to Contact (14923)

    A timestamp has been added to the Contacts screen and will display the date and time verification was sent. Additionally, if the verification should be sent again, a 'Verify' option has been added. Select and the verification will be sent again.  ...
  8. Status Management - Accounts Not Updating to Selected Status (14911)

    An issue has been fixed that prevented users from being able to mass update account status' from the Status Management tool. Additionally, the message in the Confirmation box has been improved. Pathway: Accounting > Status Management ...
  9. Service Reminders - Service Reminders Still Sending for Cancelled Work Orders (14889)

    A fix has been applied to Service Reminder notification logic to only send Service Reminders for scheduled work orders. Pathway:   Accounts > Search > Account (Customer Service Screen)  ...
  10. Past Due Notification Letters - Updates to Letter Templates (14800) [Enhancement]

    The following changes have been made to Invoice List Past Due Dunning Letters and Past Due Dunning Letters: The remittance address of the division will display in the upper left corner of the letter. The division name/address and customer name...