Updated Articles

  1. Opportunities - Dashboard Filter Not Limiting Detail Results - (15641)

    Previously an issue was occurring within the Opportunities Dashboard where the filter options were not matching the grid details results.  This has been resolved.  Pathway:  Sales > Pipelines > Opportunities  ...
  2. New Account/Site Template - Sales Rep Field Added - (15604)

    An enhancement has been made to both New Account Template and New Site Template adding a field for Sales Rep.  Pathway:  Setup > Account > New Account/Site Template ...
  3. Dispatch - Edit Route Record Logic Updated (15605)

    Logic has been updated to the Edit Route Record screen for default assignments. To avoid updating in-progress routes, when a default is applied, it will only update route records greater than today.    ...
  4. Dispatch - Route Sheet Format 7 Updated (15600) [Enhancement]

    Format 7 in the 'Select Route Sheet' drop down (Dispatch screen), has been modified to include site name and name 2. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  5. Edit Service - Confirmation Window Popup Added (15606) [Enhancement]

    A new Confirmation popup has been added to active services. This popup will be displayed when a user tries to edit a service included in an open rate update batch. To proceed, the user must select either 'Yes' or 'No'. Yes: Opens the edit screen a...
  6. Work Orders - Charge Codes Missing When Work Order is Created from a Proposal or Agreement (15589)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented the default charge codes from displaying on the work order when the work order was generated from services originating from a proposal/agreement. ...
  7. Accounting (Setup) - New Setting in Bill Group Setup (15563) [Enhancement]

    A new 'Enable Automatic Billing Batch Creation' field has been added to the Add/Edit Bill Group screen. If disabled, ('No' is selected) upon completion of a batch, a new batch is automatically created. Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Bill...
  8. Bill Group Setup - Screen Updates (15567) [Enhancement]

    In the 'Add/Edit Bill Group' screen, the field name 'Min Amount To Be Printed' has been updated to 'Minimum Invoice Amount To Be Notified.' Additionally, a new field, 'Minimum Account Balance To Be Notified,' has been added. This new field allows yo...
  9. Standard (AR) Reports - Filter Added to Check Listing Report (15545) [Enhancement]

    The Check Listing report has been enhanced with an added Source filter, specifically designed to filter based on the account source. Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Check Listing ...
  10. Payment Batch - Default Payment Type Added (15603) [Enhancement]

    A new "Default Payment Type" feature has been added to Payment Batch. By selecting a default payment type, new payments for the batch will default to the type selected. If a default is not selected for the batch, the user must select the type each t...