Updated Articles

  1. Accounts - Statement Email Link Presentation Enhancements (15613)

    Previously,  an issue occurred on emailed account statements that caused a floating "0" to display under the address. This has been removed. Additionally, Past Due Balance has been corrected to display the past due amount. Previously this displayed ...
  2. AR Payment Batch - Timezone Display Correction (15337)

    Previously, the timestamp in the AR Payment Batch details screen used the UTC timezone while AR Payment Batch used the division's timezone. This has been corrected so all payment batch screens consistently use the division's local time.  ...
  3. Accounts - Edit Service Add Service Charge Saving Over Weight and Over Max Weight Rate - (15581)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented the rates for Max Weight and Over Max from saving when a service charge was added to an existing active service.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  4. Document Format Type - Inactive Document Types (15622)

    An enhancement has been installed to limit the ability to select an inactive document type when creating or updating a proposal or service agreement. Pathway:  Setup > Document Formats > Type ...
  5. Available Services - All Expected Charge Codes Displaying - (15595)

    Previously within Available Services Setup, the charge code selection was not showing all available charge codes. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Available Services  ...
  6. User Location - User Drop Down Selections Displaying - (15323)

    A reported issue has been resolved that prevented the user names from displaying in the User drop down if "Hourly Breadcrumb" was selected for the Location Type.  Pathway:  Sales > Maps > User Location ...
  7. Rate Update Batch - Rate Update Batch Details Added Grid View Enhancements (15553, 15565)

    Enhancements have been made within the Rate Update Batch Details that include:   Grid View was updated to include an "Extended" view option. When selected, additional columns such as Account ID, Account Name,  Account Class and Bill Group are ...
  8. Manifest Consolidation - Void Batch Logic Changes (15582)

    Within Manifest Consolidation, new logic was added to allow voiding of an "Open" or "Ready to Ship" batch if it has no labels and the linked transfer work order has been canceled.   Pathway:  Operations > Manifest Processing > Manifest...
  9. Dispatch - Add Ability To Set Default Driver, Truck and Help (15559)

    An enhancement has been made within Dispatch, you can now set or update the default driver, truck or helpers when editing a route record.  If the assigned truck, driver or helpers differ from the route defaults the user now has the ability to select...
  10. Rate Update Batch - Contract Expiration Date Hyperlink To Contract - (15522)

    Within the Rate Update Batch Details, the Contract Expiration date is now a hyperlink that, when clicked, will open and allow viewing of the associated contract.  Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch ...