Updated Articles

  1. Dispatch - Enhancements to Fuel Record Screen (16430) [Enhancement]

    The Fuel Record screen in Dispatch has been updated with the following enhancements: An attachments icon now displays next to the attachments column, enabling users to upload attachments to the fuel record. Users have access to a view/download...
  2. Sales (Setup) - Logic Updated to Percentage Paid (16478) [Enhancement]

    In Commission Plans Setup, the Contract Term Months field has been enhanced to support a maximum value of 72. Pathway: Setup > Sales > Commission Plans ...
  3. Route Management - Sorting Feature in Route Summary Screen Was Not Sorting (16481)

    An issue affecting the Route sort feature in Route Summary (Current tab of Route Management screen) has been resolved. Pathway: Operations > Route Management > Current (tab) ...
  4. Dispatch - Enhancement to Screen for Unassigned Routes (16501) [Enhancement]

    On the Dispatch screen, if a route is not assigned to a record, 'No Route Assigned' will be displayed in red text, and the background color of the row will be highlighted in red. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  5. AR Payment Batch - Enhancements to Batch Details Screen (16493, 16490) [Enhancement]

    The following changes have been applied to the Batch Details screen (in AR Payment Batch, select a batch to view its details): Sorting has been enhanced to include: Balance, Status, Entry Order and Account #. Notes that are added to the paymen...
  6. Waste Profile Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services; Operations This article details the setup required for waste profiles which includes: Enable Line of Business EPA Waste Codes Setup Charge Code Setup Enable Line of Business Pathway:  Setup > Se...
  7. User Security Basics

    Pathway:   Setup > System > Role; Division; User This page is intended for System Administrators and anyone who creates/maintains user accounts in their Navusoft application. This article provides an overview of the four key eleme...
  8. Permission Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > System > Permission Within the Navusoft application, user accounts require specific permissions for daily operations. These permissions are not directly allocated to individual users; rather, they are assigned to roles l...
  9. Role Setup

    Pathway:   Setup > System > Role Roles in the Navusoft application serve as collections of permissions necessary for users to access and operate within the system. Navusoft offers a predefined set of roles that are readily available for...
  10. User Accounts

    Pathway:   Setup > System > User The User Setup screen manages the setup and activation status of all user accounts. In here, roles and division access can be added and removed from a user's account. This tool provides an option to filte...