Updated Articles

  1. Credit Card Expiration - Logic Updated (16415) [Enhancement]

    The logic for Credit Card Expiration notifications has been updated to issue notifications in scenarios where a customer was previously on auto-pay with their expired card, but the new active card is not set to auto-pay . Previously, credit car...
  2. Credit Card Expiration (Accounting)

    Pathway: Accounting > Credit Card Expiration The Credit Card Expiration tool tracks and alerts users when a credit card for an account has expired. From this screen users can view account payment methods (and add new ones), or a Send Credit ...
  3. Account Request Management - Screen Enhancements (16476) [Enhancement]

    The following updates have been applied to the Account Request Management screen: Date formatting has been updated to display the first three characters of the day of the week. This also applies to the 'Completed On' date. The Account / Site ...
  4. Dispatch - Improvement to Display of Map Pins (16487) [Enhancement]

    The colors of pins on maps have been enhanced to provide better contrast. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  5. Route Management - Performance Improvement to Pending Routes Map (16488) [Enhancement]

    Loading performance has been enhanced for the Pending Routes Map, which is displayed when a site is selected from the upper grid in the Route Management Pending screen. The Route Management Pending screen includes additional changes that will be r...
  6. Waste Profile Management

    Pathway:  Accounts  > Waste Profile Management The Waste Profile Management tool offers a comprehensive overview of waste profiles across all sites. Using this screen, users can quickly review and manage waste profiles for a site. ...
  7. Add Waste Profile To A Site

    Pathway:  Accounts > Account (screen) This article details how to add a waste profile to a site and link it to a charge code for an active service. Waste profiles are added in two ways: From the Photos, Attachments, Blanket Purchase O...
  8. EPA/DOT Description

    Pathway:  Accounts > Account Screen The Dot Description defaults to the description given to the Charge Code. Select the EPA icon from the customer's site to edit this description if needed. EPA Waste Codes can also be added and removed f...
  9. Billing - Site Name Added to Location Column in Pre Billing Report (16518) [Enhancement]

    In the Pre-Billing Analysis screen, the site name has been added to the location column. Pathway: Accounting > Billing > Pre-Billing (right click on a batch) ...
  10. Setup - Screens with +/- Action Buttons Replaced with Toggle Switches (16283) [Enhancement]

    In several screen locations, the +/- action buttons, which previously served dual purposes for adding and removing actions while also indicating their current state, have been replaced with toggle switches. Pathways : Multiple locations ...