New Articles

  1. Site Inventory (Trucks)

    Pathway:  Account (Customer Service Screen) > Display Inventory  > Trucks (tab) The Trucks tab is part of the scale process and enhances the efficiency of the disposal ticket workflow. If you wish to learn further information about Scale, ...
  2. Aging Summary To Date

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Summary To Date The 'Aging Summary To A Date' report summarizes the aging details for accounts in the selected division based on the date entered. Required Permissions Permissi...
  3. Aging Details To Date

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details To Date The 'Aging Details To A Date' report provides additional aging details for accounts in the selected division based on the date entered. Required Permissions P...
  4. Adjustment History And Pending Approval - Reversed Adjustments Display Red (15370) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made  to the History tab in Adjustment History - Pending Approval to  highlight reversed invoice adjustments in red.  Pathway:  Accounting > Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval And History ...
  5. Import Inventory

    Pathway:  Operations > Inventory Management The Import Inventory tool is used to mass import equipment inventory from an external CSV file into Navusoft. This article details that process and includes the CSV file requirements for a success...
  6. Work Type Setup - Correction to Inventory Move Type Options (15677)

    A correction has been made to the 'Inventory Move Type' field in the Work Type setup screen to only display the following work types: None Delivery Exchange Removal Pathway: Setup > Operations > Work Type ...
  7. Notification Templates - Key Paths Available to Text Messages (14544) [Enhancement]

    You can now include Key Paths in text messages by double-clicking on them. This will automatically insert the Key Path at the current cursor position. Pathway: Setup > System > Notification Template ...
  8. Accounts (Contracts and Agreements) - Logic Update to Require Deposit Amount Field (14219)

    The "Require Deposit Amount" field on the Add Proposal screen has been renamed to "Payment Required at Customer Signature" and has been updated to include the following options: Not Required Customer and Sales Rep can sign the contract without co...
  9. Accounts - Prepayment Amount and Total Field Labels Not Displaying (15663)

    Previously, 'Prepayment Amount' and 'Total' field labels were not displaying in the Post A Payment screen when the invoice list was empty. This has been fixed.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  10. Standard Reports (Aging Report) - Error When Bill Group Applied (14795)

    An error within the Aging report, triggered by the application of the Bill Group filter, has been resolved. Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details ...