New Articles

  1. Unapplied AR Report

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Unapplied AR The Unapplied Accounts Receivable (AR) report offers a detailed overview of unapplied customer balances, aiding businesses in pinpointing and resolving unallocated funds. Re...
  2. Accounts - Multiple Credit Card Expiration Notifications Sent To Customers (15739)

    Previously, an issue was occurring with customers receiving multiple Credit Card Expiration Notifications when Quick Pay was setup. This has been resolved so 'Quick Pay' payments are no longer included in expired credit card notifications. ...
  3. Portal - Enhancement to Allow Customers to View Service History for Inactive Sites (15557) [Enhancement]

    The Account Portal has been updated to grant users of an inactive site access to view service history information, associated photos, manifests, and report attachments. Other options, such as the ability to create a request or view AR information, a...
  4. Database Query - 'Add New Filter' Updated (15742) [Enhancement]

    The options in the "Column" drop down for "Add Filter" on the Database Query screen have been modified to display in alphabetical order. ...
  5. Report Formats (Manifest) - Updates to Format (15688) [Enhancement]

    The following improvements have been applied to the manifest print format for hazardous material:  The 'Identifier' for the Material Type (Setup > Operations > Material Type) will display on the manifest. Approval codes will not be duplicated ...
  6. System (Division) - New Lockbox Import Format Added (15268) [Enhancement]

    A new "Signature Waste Import" format has been added as an option in the "Lockbox Import Format" dropdown menu. Pathway: Setup > System > Division ...
  7. Proposals/Quotes and Contracts - Field Logic Updates (14545) [Enhancement]

    The following logic updates have been applied to the Reason and Competitor fields for 'Lost' proposals/contracts: Reason is hidden until "Lost" is selected from the Status drop down. The Reason field has been relocated to the left of the Competit...
  8. Dispatch ('Route Productivity' View) - Downtime Using User and Not Driver Name (14387)

    An issue has been resolved in the Add Downtime editor, where it was incorrectly displaying the user's name in the Driver field instead of the driver's name. Additionally, the Driver field has been improved by converting it into a drop down menu, wit...
  9. NavuNav (Android) - Filter Screen Improved (15673)

    The Filters feature in the (Android) driver app has been improved to follow correct logic when applied. Pathway: NavuNav ...
  10. NavuNav (Android) - Preview Step Added To Directions (15064) [Enhancement]

    The Driving Directions feature in the NavuNav (Android) has been enhanced to include a preview step before starting "Active Guidance."  Screen Changes: When the driver clicks "Driving Directions," a preview  of the route is displayed with the...