New Articles

  1. NavuNav (Android) - Logic Fix to Logging End Miles (14816)

    The logic for the odometer entry field during driver clock-out has been enhanced to generate an error if the driver enters an end odometer reading that is lower than the start odometer reading. Pathway: NavuNav > Timers > Check Out ...
  2. Late Fee Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Account > Account Class The following article outlines the process of configuring late fees that can be applied either to an account's invoice or during billing.  To provide flexibility among account classes on how late fe...
  3. Rate Update Batch - Export File Updated (15733) [Enhancement]

    The Excel Export file has been improved by adding an ID column to address the issue that users encountered when attempting to use the same file format for importing a rate update batch. It's important to note that an error will consistently occur du...
  4. Create Account - 'City' Not Always Populating in Google Address Search (15764)

    The problem affecting township addresses, where the city name was not populating correctly in the City field from the Google lookup, has been successfully resolved. Pathway: Accounts > Add Account ...
  5. Auto Pay Management

    Pathway:  Accounting > Auto Pay Management The Auto Pay Management screen offers a comprehensive view of all accounts set up for auto-pay. This screen is divided into two tabs: one for accounts scheduled for auto-pay and another for billing au...
  6. Order Processing - New Customer/Site Default 'All' Not Loading Initially (15720)

    Previously ,  the Division filter 'All' on the 'New Customer/Site' tab in Order Processing was not loading initially. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Order Processing  ...
  7. Auto Pay Management - Screen and Logic Updates (15713) [Enhancement]

    The following screen updates have been applied to the Auto Pay Management screens: Tab: Scheduled Auto Pay   'Limit to Expired' checkbox added and records are filtered when checked. 'Limit to Last Payment Declined' checkbox added and records...
  8. Sales Management - Fix Installed for Sales Rep Report (15734)

    The problem causing the export failure of the Sales Rep Report in Sales Management has been successfully resolved. Pathway: Sales > Sales Management ...
  9. AR Payment Batch - Auto Apply Check Box Added to Batch Details (15704) [Enhancement]

    An "Auto Apply" checkbox option has been added to the Batch Details screen in AR Payment Batch for batch imports. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
  10. Work Type - New Notification Alert Added (15650) [Enhancement]

    Within the Work Type setup screen, a new alert option, "Service Reminder For Every x Weeks Services (Send 1 Calendar Day Prior To Scheduled Service At 7 AM),"   has been added to the Notification Types in the Alerts tab. Pathway:  Se...