Accounting - Release 72


Unapplied Management - Unapplied Total Incorrectly Calculated Unapplied Amounts (16164)
An issue has been resolved that caused the Unapplied Total from correctly calculating the selected unapplied amounts (Payment, Deposit and Adjustments). Pathway:  Accounting > Unapplied Management ...
*New* Surcharge Management Screen and Updated Site Surcharge Window in Customer Service Screen (16223) [Enhancement]
Site Surcharge Pathway: Accounts > (Site section) > Select Surcharge Group (Note - a surcharge group must be assigned to display) The following changes have been applied to the Site Surcharge Rates window: The Type column has been relocated...
AR Aging Management - 'Total'Calculation Not Rounding Correctly (16379)
The rounding logic in the Total column of the AR Aging Management screen has been corrected to align with the AR Aging Buckets displayed in the Customer Service screen. ...
AR Payment Batch (Accounting) - Logic Update to Bank Account Selection (16261)
The Bank Account drop down option in Create AR Payment Batch has been revised to restrict accounts to those linked to divisions accessible by the user. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
Billing Analyis (Billing) - Reports Not Exporting to Excel (15690)
The issue preventing the generation of any Billing Analysis reports in Excel has been resolved. Pathway: Accounting > Billing > (right-click) on a batch > Billing Analysis ...
Credit Card Expiration - Expiration Filter Added (16290) [Enhancement]
The following enhancements have been applied to the Credit Card Expiration screen: A new 'Expiration' filter has been added. Filter options include: Expired, In 1 Month, In 3 Months and In 6 Months. Export to Excel added. Addition of bread-cr...
Billing (Accounting) - Performance Improvement for Invoice Format 17 (16383)
The performance has been improved for generating a large number of invoices using Format 17. Pathway: Accounting > Billing;  Setup > Accounting > Bill Group ...
AR Payment Batch - Update to 'Bank Cleared Date' Field (16400) [Enhancement]
The "Bank Cleared Date" field has been updated to enable deletion of the date using the keyboard's delete button. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
Billing - Unable to Print Invoices From Invoice Notification Summary (16461)
Previously, users encountered an issue where the print option on the Invoice Notification Summary screen was unresponsive when attempting to print invoices. Pathway: Accounting > Billing > Pending and In Process > Notifications section...
AR Payment Batch - Enhancements to Batch Details Screen (16493, 16490) [Enhancement]
The following changes have been applied to the Batch Details screen (in AR Payment Batch, select a batch to view its details): Sorting has been enhanced to include: Balance, Status, Entry Order and Account #. Notes that are added to the paymen...
Billing - Site Name Added to Location Column in Pre Billing Report (16518) [Enhancement]
In the Pre-Billing Analysis screen, the site name has been added to the location column. Pathway: Accounting > Billing > Pre-Billing (right click on a batch) ...
Credit Card Expiration - Logic Updated (16415) [Enhancement]
The logic for Credit Card Expiration notifications has been updated to issue notifications in scenarios where a customer was previously on auto-pay with their expired card, but the new active card is not set to auto-pay . Previously, credit car...
AR Payment Batch (Accounting) - Search Updates Including Addition of Shortcut Key (16523) [New Feature]
The following enhancements have been made to the AR Payment Batch screen: Search and Add Accounts/Sites To search and add accounts and sites to the batch, an 'Add' icon has been introduced. Additionally, the search can also be initiated by selec...
GL Transaction Processing - Logic and Functionality Updated to Record ID in GL Setup Errors Screen (16561) [Enhancement]
In the GL Setup Errors screen (within GL Transaction Processing), the Record ID field has been enhanced to display as a clickable link. Clicking on this link will take the user to the screen where the error was found and can be fixed. ...
Invoice Adjustment Pending Approval and History - Logic Updated to the Recalculation of Taxes and Surcharges (16550) [Enhancement]
An enhanc ement has been made to the Invoice Adjustment screen to recalculate the taxes and surcharges and when a credit is applied to the parent charge. Pathway:  Accounting > Invoice Adjustment Pending Approval and History ...
Billing (Accounting) - Logic Updated to Email Notifications (16645, 16659)
An issue has been resolved in Billing Batch that prevented email notifications from being sent to Billing Contact 2 on an account. Performance has also been enhanced when opening the Notification Summary screen for batches containing a high volume...
Billing (Accounting) - Blocklisted Email Address Logic Added (16663)
Email invoicing in Billing has been updated to ignore/skip blocklisted email addresses.  Pathway: Accounting > Billing ...