New Articles

  1. Period Closing

    Pathway:  Accounting > Period Closing The Period Closing screen provides a list of divisions for which the AR (Accounts Receivable) period can be closed. Once closed, the system restricts any further AR activity within that period. It's imp...
  2. Service Records - Update to Decimal Logic for Charge Gross Qty and Charge Qty (16009) [Enhancement]

    Service Record logic has been updated to prevent the rounding of the Gross Qty and Charge Qty fields to 2 decimal places. Pathway:  Accounts (Customer Service Screen) > Service Record - Charges tab ...
  3. AR Payment Batch

    Pathway:  Accounting > AR Payment Batch The AR Payment Batch screen consolidates and manages payments received from accounts. When a payment is received, users can apply it to the account in an existing open AR batch, or create a new batch ...
  4. Invoice Display - Screen Updates (15955) [Enhancement]

    Improvements have been applied to the format and display of the 'Account Balance Due' and  'Past Due'  fields, along with the 'Make a Payment' button for invoices. Additionally, a "Login to Portal" link has also been added.  Pathway: Ac...
  5. Dispatch - Screen Grouping Logic Updated (15990) [Enhancement]

    The Dispatch screen has been updated to group routes by Division, Line of Business and Date. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  6. Document Formats - Logic Update to Format Class Field (16005) [Enhancement]

    In Add/Edit Document Format, the Format Class field has been updated to a drop down that can be edited. Pathway:  Setup > Document Formats > Format ...
  7. Work Type - New Field Added (15958) [Enhancement]

    A new "Self-Service Label" field has been added to the Add and Edit Work Type Setup screen. Field entry is optional and is related to self service ordering allowing users to apply a specific label for site service actions. If a label is not entered ...
  8. Credit Card / ACH Reconciliation - Refunds Not Reflected on Screen When Filtering by Gateway (16002)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented refunds from displaying on the screen when filtering by Gateway. ...
  9. Contracts/Service Agreements - Make A Payment Erroring (16004)

    The issue that was preventing customers from being able to submit a payment from a Service Agreement/Contract has been resolved. ...
  10. Rate Update Batches - Screen Filters Improved (15988)

    A problem has been fixed in the Rate Update Batches, which was causing inaccurate data filtering on the screen. ...