New Articles

  1. Reason Codes (NavuNav iOS) - Reason Codes Not Adhering to the"Display In Mobile"Setting (14618)

    The issue allowing reason codes with the "Display in Mobile" setting set to "No" to still appear in the iOS mobile app when adding an exception has been resolved. ...
  2. CrowBrowse Remote Session (NavuNav iOS) - MapBox Map Does Not Display During Remote Share Session (15727)

    In the NavuNav iOS version, the issue preventing the service map from displaying in a screen share session has been resolved. ...
  3. Password Reset (iOS) - Password Reset was Failing (14577)

    The problem causing the 'Forget My Password' feature to fail in the iOS version of the NavuNav app has been resolved. ...
  4. Add Task (Android & iOS) - Inactive Task Types No Longer Display (15002)

    Previously, when a driver added a task, both active and inactive task types displayed. This has been corrected to only display active task types. Pathway:   Main Application:   Setup  > Account > Task Type NavuNav:   Add T...
  5. Turn-By-Turn (Android) - Logic Update to Use Truck Type Information (15066) [Enhancement]

    To restrict available road options when a driver uses Turn-By-Turn Routing, logic in NavuNav (Android) has been enhanced to include the truck's vehicle information. Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Truck Type ...
  6. Vehicle Number (Android) - Updating Across Multiple Days If Driver Signs Into NavuNav with Different Vehicle than the Default (15541)

    A problem has been resolved where the vehicle number would update on both past and future days in Dispatch if the driver logged into a vehicle different from their assigned default vehicle. Pathway: NavuNav; Operations > Dispatch ...
  7. Route List (Android) - Display Changes (15794,13664,13674) [Enhancement]

    The route list in the Android version of the NavuNav app includes the following screen updates: Business hours and access information have been moved to display with site information. Sequence changes: Sequence is represented as a blue box on th...
  8. NavuNav Android - Return To Route List Feature (15558) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the Android version of the NavuNav application to return the driver back to the Route List screen after they have completed a work order. This feature is enabled on the Work Type in Setup > Operations > Work Type.  ...
  9. Disposal Records (Android and iOS) - New Time Fields Added (14171) [Enhancement]

    The Add/Update Disposal Entry screen has been enhanced to include Start Time and End Time fields. By default, when a driver creates a disposal record, the start timestamp will use the current date and time. If a driver enters an End Time, the system...
  10. Add/Update Extras (Android) - Screen Improvement For Long Lists of Extra Charges (15710)

    The Add/Update Extras screen in the Android version of NavuNav has been improved to allow scrolling to access the last item in the list. Pathway:  NavuNav. (Android) > Add [icon] ...