Sales - Release 72


Reports/Accounts - 'Sales Results Net New' Report and Rate History Screen Reason Code Updates (16310)
Sales Results Net New  Pathway:  Reports > Analysis > Sales Results Net New The Sales Results Net New screen has been updated to include a Reason Code column. If the user has permission 392 (Edit Reason Code in Sales Results and Histor...
Sales - Sales Maps Not Loading Data (16312)
An issue has been resolved that was preventing data from loading in the following Sales Maps: Sales Rep, Territory and Revenue Per Cubic Yard.     Pathway:  Sales > Maps > Sales Rep/Territory/Revenue Per Yard ...
Pipeline Summary (Sales) - Sales Rep Filter Not Responding (16279)
The issue preventing the Sales Rep filter from displaying the list of sales representatives for selection has been resolved. Pathway: Sales > Pipelines > Pipeline Summary ...
Rate Update Batch (Sales) - Screen Updates (16332) [Enhancement]
The Site Service Rate Update Batch screen has been enhanced to now include a Quantity (QTY) field and a Service Frequency field within the Extended Grid View. Pathway: Sales > Rate Update Batches > (open) Service Batches ...
Sales (Maps) - Territory Manager Not Loading Data (16409)
Previously, when a user filled out the filter fields in the Territory Manager map and selected 'Load Data,' nothing would load. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Sales > Maps > Territory Manager ...
Service Agreement (Sales) - Email Notification Updated For Signed Service Agreements (16526) [Enhancement]
The formatting of the email notification that a user receives when a service agreement has been signed has been enhanced. Pathway: Sales ...
Rate Update Batch (Sales) - Variance Column Sorting Corrected (16648)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the Variance column in the Site Service Rate Update Batch screen from being sorted in ascending or descending order.  Pathway: Sales > Rate Update Batches ...
Contract Expiration - Type Column Was Not Populating (16675)
Previously, the Contract Expiration screen was not displaying the contract type in the Type column. This has been resolved. Pathway: Sales > Contract Expiration ...