New Articles

  1. Sale Stage Setup - Verbal and Discovery Removed from Sale Stage Options (17086)

    Sales stages 'Discovery' and 'Verbal' have been removed as options from the following locations: Sale Stage Setup Sales Rep Map Site Status History  Pathway: Setup > Sales > Sales Stages ...
  2. Setup - Settings for Intercompany Billing Added (17053) [New Feature]

    Division Setup   Inter-company tab added Enable Disposal Billing field options: No Yes (Bill to Site for each transaction) Yes (Automated GL Batch) Bill to Site Includes a site search to direct billing to. Disposal Charge Code D...
  3. Line Of Business (Setup) - 'Service Description Display' Field Added (17069)

    A 'Service Description Display' drop-down field has been added to the Mobile tab of the Line of Business Setup screen. Pathway: Setup > Services > Line Of Business ...
  4. AR Aging Management (Accounting)- Ability To Change Account Status Of Multiple Accounts (16999) [New Feature]

    An enhancement has been made to AR Aging Management, adding the option to select multiple accounts when changing account statuses. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Aging Management ...
  5. AR Aging Management (Accounting) - Multi-Select Added to Division Filter (17018)

    In AR Aging Management, the Division filter was enhanced to support the selection of multiple divisions.  Pathway: Accounting > AR Aging Management ...
  6. Create Account (Accounts) - Account and Site Custom Properties Moved (17085)

    Within the 'Create Account' screen, Account Custom Properties and Site Custom Properties have been relocated to the bottom left of the screen. Pathway:  Accounts > Add Accounts ...
  7. Rate Update Batch (Sales) - Screen Updates (17024)

    In the Rate Update Batch screen, a 'Created User' field has been added to the 'Created Date' column, and a Net Variance column has also been added. Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batches  ...
  8. Service Region Setup (Setup) -Screen Enhancements (17037)

    The following enhancements have been made to the Service Region Setup screen: Addition of a Division filter. A CSV export option was added. Addition of Search. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Region  ...
  9. Route Setup (Setup) - Option to Specify Default Truck and Driver to Each Day of Week (16997) [New Feature]

    In the Add/Edit Route, users can now specify default trucks and drivers for each day of the week. Additionally, a Default Description field has been added, allowing users to include a label that will appear in parentheses after the route name in Dis...
  10. Billing Analysis (Billing) - Bill Batch Summary Not Loading (17010)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented the loading of the Bill Batch Summary screen in Billing Analysis Window. Pathway:  Accounting > Billing ...