New Articles

  1. Surcharge Management

    Pathway:  Accounting > Surcharge Management The Surcharge Management screen is used to oversee and regulate surcharges applied to accounts and their sites. Within this screen, users can compare the base rate (the surcharge rate applied to ...
  2. Services (Setup) - Surcharge Setup Updated (16224) [Enhancement]

    The following changes have been applied to the Surcharge Rate Setup screen: A 'Show Rate History' check box has been added. By default, it is unchecked, allowing for the display of only current and future surcharge rates. The Surcharge Rate tab i...
  3. Billing Screen Overview

    Pathway:  Accounting > Billing The Billing screen in Navusoft streamlines the billing process and maintains a historical record of billing batches. Within the Billing screen's Pending and In Process tab, there are two separate grids. The u...
  4. Disposal/Ship Location Setup - Search Filter Added to Material Type Tab (16217) [Enhancement]

    The Disposal/Ship Location Setup screen has been improved by adding a search filter within the Material Type tab. Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Disposal/Ship Location ...
  5. Reason Code Setup - 'Invoice Adjustment' Reason Code Type Updated (16258)

    The 'Invoice Adjustment' reason code type has been modified, and the GL Account drop-down field is no longer included. Pathway: Setup > System > Reason Code > Add Reason Code Related Articles: Reason Code Setup ...
  6. Tax Region - Add/Edit Tax Rate Enhancements (16234) [Enhancement]

    The following enhancements have been made to the Add/Edit Tax Rate editor: The name of the editor has changed from 'Tax Region Taxes' to  'Add / Edit Tax Region.' The 'Tax Type' has been added to display at the end of the taxes listed in the drop...
  7. Accounts - Inbound/Outbound Work Order Status Not Updating Posting Status (16241)

    The logic for the Work Status of Inbound/Outbound work orders has been enhanced to automatically update the Posting Status to "Posted" when the Work Status is set to "Received - Completed" and saved. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Ac...
  8. Reason Code Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > System > Reason Code The Reason Code Setup screen includes the reason codes used in different areas of the product to identify the purpose of an action. For instance, reason codes are used for on-call orders to identify wh...
  9. Accounts - 0% Recognized As Exact Match By Tax Verification (16232)

    Previously, the tax verification process did not acknowledge taxes with a 0% tax rate and showed them as missing in the Tax Results screen. Logic has been updated to recognize the 0% tax rate as an "Exact" match.  Pathway:  Accou...
  10. Tax Region Map - Data Not Loading on Screen (16263)

    An issue has been resolved that was preventing data from loading in the Tax Region Map screen.  Pathway:  Accounts > Tax Region Map ...