Accounts - Release 73


Create On Call Order (Accounts) - Update to Route Selection Drop Down (16535) [Enhancement]
An enhancement has been implemented in the Route selection drop down menu when creating an on-call order or editing a service record. Now, it displays the name of the default driver for the route alongside the route name. Pathway:  ...
Add Contact (Accounts) - Birthdate Field Removed From Screen (16627)
The 'Birthdate' field in the Add Contact screen has been removed. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
Accounts - Logic Updated to 'Bill To Selection' Field in Add Site's Billing Settings (16704) [Enhancement]
In the Billings Settings section of Add Site, for accounts with 'Bill By Site' enabled, the 'Bill to Selection' field will automatically default to 'Invoice Mailed to Account Address.' Pathway:  Accounts > Add/Edit Site ...
Orders, Quotes and Contracts (Accounts) - Map Not Loading if Change to Site Selection (16546)
The issue that prevented the map from loading the location when the site selection was changed on the Add Service screen for quotes and proposals has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Orders, Quotes and Contracts ...
Accounts - Disposal / Ship 'Quantity' Not Matching Charges 'Gross Quantity' (16716)
In the Service Record, the discrepancy between the value shown in the 'Gross Quantity' field in the Charges tab and what was input in the 'Quantity' field in the Disposal / Ship tab has been resolved.   Pathway:  Accounts > Serv...
Orders, Quotes and Contracts - Logic Updated for Validation of Discounted Rates (16793)
The logic for discount calculation has been corrected for proposals/contracts with 'Pre-Authorization' set to "Required for Rates Below Max. Discount" in the Add/Edit Document Type setup. Validation is also based on the what was entered in the Max D...
AR History (Accounts) - Logic Updated to Chargebacks (16658) [New Feature]
An "Amount" field has been added to the Record Chargeback screen, allowing users to enter partial amounts as needed. By default, the field will be pre-filled with the payment amount. Pathway: Accounts > AR History ...
Account Request Management (Accounts) - User and Timestamp Added to Closed Requests (16817) [New Feature]
An enhancement has been implemented on the Account Request screen to show the name of the user who completed the request and the timestamp of completion. Pathway:  Accounts > Account Request Management  ...
Customer Service Screen (Accounts) - Calendar to Display Rejected Credit Memos (16625) [New Feature]
An enhancement has been made to the Calendar on the Customer Service screen to display Rejected Credit Memos on the date they were rejected. When hovered over, a tooltip will show the reference number, amount, notes, and the rejection reason. ...
Create Account (Accounts) - Service Region Clearing When Address Is Added (16755)
Previously, an issue occurred when using an account template to create a new account: when an address was added, the Service Region field would unexpectedly clear. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Add Account  ...
Add/Edit Contact (Accounts) - New Request Notification Field Added (16819) [New Feature]
A new 'Request Notification Method' field has been added to the Add/Edit Contact screen. The following options are available: None: Contact will not receive request notifications in text or email. Customer must check the portal for request updates...
Customer Service Screen (Accounts) - Geocoded Stops Reseting to Default Location (16800)
In scenarios where a service location pin was moved and saved, any updates made to the site would cause the service location to revert back to the default location. This has been resolved. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > G...
AR History (Accounts) - Authorization Logic Updated to Generate Single Invoices (16829) [New Feature]
The following changes have been applied to the Create Invoice screen and the permission it includes: The 'Create Invoice' screen has been renamed to 'Preview Invoice.' The permission logic for the 'Generate Invoice' button has been updated. If ...
AR History (Accounts) - Payment Methods Renamed To 'Wallet' (16837) [New Feature]
The "Payment Methods" section within an account's AR History screen has been renamed to "Wallet." This change has been reflected across all subsequent screens, including the Customer Portal. Pathway:  Customer Service Screen > AR...
Billing (Accounting) - Create Billing Batch, Billing 'Types' Renamed (16866)
The billing types in Create Billing Batch have been renamed from "Scheduled" and "Off Scheduled" to "All Charges" and "Work Order and Manual Charges Only." Pathway: Accounting > Billing ...
Billing Statements (Accounts) - Longer Email And Division Names Cut Off On Statements (16863)
An issue has been resolved that caused longer division names and email addresses to get cut off on printed statements.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
Edit Service Record (Accounts) - Switch Work Type on Service Records Option Available (16833) [New Feature]
Switch Work Type on Service Record A green 'switch' button has been added to the Service Record screen, allowing users to switch work types for 'Scheduled' and 'On Call' services. This option is only available to work types that have 'Allow Swi...
Site Inventory (Accounts) - Trucks Not Displaying (16859)
The issue that prevented trucks from displaying on the Site Inventory screen for the site they were assigned has been resolved.  Pathway:  Customer Service Screen > Display Inventory (Icon, Site Details) ...
Site Search (Accounts) - 'Bad Debt' Filter Removed (16878)
The 'Bad Debt' filter option to search for sites has been removed because it is not a 'Site status' and therefore can't be filtered on. Pathway:  Accounts > Search ...
Contacts (Accounts) - Warning For Blocked Email Addresses (16666) [New Feature]
An enhancement has been made for accounts set to 'Email With Link' or 'Email with Attachment.' If a billing contact's email is on the email blocklist, a red exclamation point icon will appear on both the account screen and the contacts screen. Whe...
(Contacts) Accounts - 'Email to Contact' to Include Contact's Title and Label (16804, 16818)
When emailing out things such as statements and invoices, the 'Email to Contact' field has been updated to include the contact's title (if one exists) and their billing contact label if they are a billing contact. Pathway:  Acc...
Service Record (Accounts) - Work Order Disposal/Ship Tab Not Displaying Vehicle Information (16858)
The issue that prevented the truck name from displaying in the Vehicle Info column on the service record's Disposal/Ship tab has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
Notification Template (Setup)- New Template Added (16820) [New Feature]
A new notification template 'Account Request Notification' has been added as an option to the Type drop down. The Account Request Notification  is sent to contacts who have their Account Request Notification setting set to 'Email' or 'Text Message...
Add Lead (Accounts) - Ability to Clear Optional Fields Added (16923)
An enhancement has been made to the Add/Edit Lead screen to allow users the ability to clear optional fields. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts  ...
Service Records (Accounts) - Unable to Delete Disposal Records (16920)
Previously, an error message prevented the deletion of disposal records, even if the records were not attached to a manifest consolidation batch or a charge. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Load Service Record ...
Customer Service Screen (Accounts) - Legend Added to Screen (16926) [New Feature]
An enhancement has been made to the account and site customer service screen to include a status Legend that will display upon hover.  ​ Pathway:  Customer Service Screen > Legend (Calendar) ...
Add Menu (Accounts) - 'Add Menu' Reorganized and Option Added (16936)
The Add Menu for accounts and sites has been reorganized and 'Account Request' has been added to the list of available options. Pathway:  Customer Service Screen > '+' Menu ...
Service Records (Accounts) - Allow Attachments To Display In NavuNav (16941) [New Feature]
An enhancement has been made to the Attachments tab in Edit Service Record to include an 'Available in NavuNav' checkbox option.  Pathway:  Service Record > Attachments (tab) ...
Add Site (Accounts) - Users Assigned Single Division Unable to Create Sites (17043)
An issue has been resolved where users with access to only one division were stuck in a loop between the “Duplicate Accounts” and “Add Site” windows. Selecting "Continue" from the Duplicates Accounts window will create the new site.  Pa...
Vacation Holds (Accounts) - New End Date Field Added to Vacation Hold Status (16938) [New Feature]
In Site Status History, if "Vacation Hold" is selected as the new site status, an optional "End Date" field will display. If an end date is entered, the system will automatically reinstate the site to an active status on the specified end date ent...
AR History (Accounts) - Chargebacks Not Showing in AR History (17066)
A fix has been deployed to resolve the issue where chargebacks were not showing on the AR History screen after a payment reversal. Pathway: Accounts > AR History ...
Site Status History (Accounts) - Logic Updated to Effective Date Field (17067)
The logic for the Effective Date field in Site Status History has been updated, allowing a site to be made active, inactive, or placed on a vacation hold using the current date. Pathway: Accounts > Site Status ...