New Articles

  1. Sales Results Net New (Reports) - Site Counts Added to the Controllable and Non Controllable Columns (16706) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to add total site counts under the Controllable and Non Controllable column in the Sales Result Net New screen. Pathway:  Reports > Analysis > Sales Results Net New  ...
  2. Orders, Quotes and Contracts (Accounts) - Map Not Loading if Change to Site Selection (16546)

    The issue that prevented the map from loading the location when the site selection was changed on the Add Service screen for quotes and proposals has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Orders, Quotes and Contracts ...
  3. Accounts - Logic Updated to 'Bill To Selection' Field in Add Site's Billing Settings (16704) [Enhancement]

    In the Billings Settings section of Add Site, for accounts with 'Bill By Site' enabled, the 'Bill to Selection' field will automatically default to 'Invoice Mailed to Account Address.' Pathway:  Accounts > Add/Edit Site ...
  4. Add Contact (Accounts) - Birthdate Field Removed From Screen (16627)

    The 'Birthdate' field in the Add Contact screen has been removed. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  5. Create On Call Order (Accounts) - Update to Route Selection Drop Down (16535) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been implemented in the Route selection drop down menu when creating an on-call order or editing a service record. Now, it displays the name of the default driver for the route alongside the route name. Pathway:  ...
  6. Account Class (Setup) - New 'Enable Duplicate Account and Site Check' Field Added (16529) [Enhancement]

    A new setting field 'Enable Duplicate Account and Site Check' has been added to the Details tab in Account Class Setup. The following logic applies to the selection options: Yes: Enables the account/site creation duplication check. This is also th...
  7. AR Aging Management (Accounting) - Multiple Screen Enhancements (16657) [New Feature]

    The following changes have been made the the AR Aging Management screen:  A drop down selection box has been added, offering two screen view options: Account Information or Contact Information. The Account Information view will retain t...
  8. NavuNav (Android) - Logic Update to Driving Directions (16456)

    Issues related to the Driving Directions feature available in the NavuNav app have been resolved. ...
  9. NavuNav (Android) - Drivers Unable to Reprint Labels After Logging Out (15480)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented drivers from being able to view and print previously created labels after logging out of the app. Additionally, the ability to group labels has been added. ...
  10. NavuSales (iOS) - Unable to Add Lead to Prospect (16367)

    An issue has been resolved that affected adding leads to prospect accounts in the NavuSales app. ...