

Notification History and Block List (Database) - Label Renamed (16867) [New Feature]
The Notification History screen has been renamed to 'Notification History and Block List.' Pathway:  Database > Notification History And Block List ...
Import Manual Charges (Database) - New Menu Option Added to Import (16825) [New Feature]
A new import feature 'Import Manual Charges' has been added to the Import menu in the Database module. The Import Manual Charges feature provides users a method of importing a large amount of manual charges across multiple sites. Once imported, char...
Import Fuel Record (Database) - File Format Logic Updated to 'Import Fuel Record' (16871)
The following modifications have been applied to the Import Fuel Record file format requirements: Truck Name or Truck ID are supported in the first column Three formats of Date are supported in the second column- YYYY-MM-DD / MM/DD/YY / MM/DD...
Database Query (Database) - Fields Added To Display Fields List (16927)
An enhancement has been made to add new fields to the Active Services Query selections. The following fields were added: Vendor Name, Vendor Rate, and  Vendor Site ID. Pathway:  Database > Database Query  ...
Import User (Database) - New Import Feature Available (16879) [New Feature]
A new Import User option has been added to the Import tool in the Database module. Review the documentation linked to this article for file format requirements and other logic.  Pathway:  Database > Import > Import User Article: ...
Database Query (Database) - New Entity Added to Main Entity Options (16957) [New Feature]
In Database Query, 'Active Services Tiered Pricing Rates' has been added as an option in the Entity drop down.   Pathway: Database > Database Query  ...