New Articles

  1. Accounts - Modify Customer Service Labels/ Screen Headers for Proposals (14185)

    The Quotes and Contracts  section located on the Accounts screen has been renamed to 'Orders, Quotes, and Contracts'. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Account (screen) > Section: Order, Quotes, and Contracts ...
  2. Tasks - Logic Updated for Site-Level Tasks (14216)

    Previously, an issue with the Contact field prevented users from assigning and closing tasks created by incoming text messages. This has been fixed and the following logic was updated for the Contact field: Contact is no longer a required field. ...
  3. Database - Bulk Account Portal Invite Changes - (14657)

    The following improvements have been made to the Bulk Account Portal Invite screen.  1. New Filters:  Division (Required) Account Class Accounts With Automatic Payment (check box selection) 2. Updated Filters:  Bill Group is no longer req...
  4. Calendar Information

    Pathway:   Accounts > Search (Accounts) > Calendar (Section) The Customer Calendar tool displays actionable items applied to an account, records users who have viewed the account, and includes right-click functionality to access addition...
  5. View Details / Adjust Invoice

    Pathway:  Customer > Search > Accounts The View Details / Adjust Invoice tool provides a way to review all charges on an invoice and reduce the amount owed or credit an invoice entirely.  Adjustments can only reduce the invoice amoun...
  6. Generate Single Invoice

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (AR History)  To generate an invoice for a customer, use the Invoice tool found in the customer's AR History. Invoices can be generated either for an individual site or for all sites associated with t...
  7. Reverse/Transfer/Split Payments

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account From an account’s AR History screen, the option to Reverse/Transfer/Split payment is available to manually recorded payments (payments made in either cash or check form).  Permissions The followin...
  8. AR History Overview

    Pathway:   Accounts > Search > Accounts The AR History screen displays an account's balance for services they have received. In addition, AR History is used to manage the account's payment methods, post a payment and generate an in...
  9. Accounting (AR Payment Batch) - AR Payment Batch One Bill Batch Per Bill Group (14681)

    An enhancment has been made to only allow one bill batch per Bill Group to be posted at a time. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Payment Batch
  10. Create and Send a Proposal

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account (Customer Service Screen) > Orders, Quotes and Contracts This article details the Add Proposal form available in the Orders, Quotes and Contracts  section of a site. Proposals are created for a vari...