Updated Articles

  1. Notification Templates - Key Paths Available to Text Messages (14544) [Enhancement]

    You can now include Key Paths in text messages by double-clicking on them. This will automatically insert the Key Path at the current cursor position. Pathway: Setup > System > Notification Template ...
  2. Report Format Setup - Edit Dashboard Panel Allow LOB To Be Cleared - (15695)

    The Edit Dashboard Panel feature in Report Format Setup now allows you to easily clear the Line of Business (LOB) selection using the small "x" icon. Pathway:  Setup > Report Formats ...
  3. Setup (System) - Division Setup Field Change (14728) [Enhancement]

    The "Esc Auto Process" field in Division Setup has been renamed to "Auto Process Service Changes". Pathway :  Setup > System > Division ...
  4. Accounting - Custom Field 1 and 2 Increased (15671) [Enhancement]

    The character limits for the Custom 1 and Custom 2 fields on the Add/Update Bill Group screen have been extended to accommodate up to 100 characters. In the event that this character limit is surpassed, the field will be visually highlighted with a ...
  5. Inventory Management & Site - Logic Updated to Serial Number field (15670)

    The field logic for the Serial Number field has been revised when adding a serialized equipment type. Following this update, the Serial Number field will now be mandatory to complete the equipment entry. This requirement applies whether the equipmen...
  6. Add Account - Account Templates Logic Updated (14307) [Enhancement]

    Logic has been updated to the Add Account Templates to restrict access based on the user's division access (assigned on their user account). If the template does not have a division assigned, it will continue to be visible to all users. ...
  7. Dispatch (Route Optimization) - Optimization Ignored Site Business Hours When Run on Future Date (15642)

    An issue has been resolved that caused Route Optimization to ignore site business hours if optimization was run on a future date. Pathway:  Site Information (Customer Service Screen); Operations > Dispatch > Route Optimization ...
  8. Site Inventory - Logic Update to Match Inventory Management Tool (15592, 15532) [Enhancement]

    The Equipment tab in Site Inventory has been updated to include similar logic used by the Inventory Management tool when adding or adjusting site inventory. Review the Related Articles links at the bottom of this page to learn more.  Path...
  9. Customer Portal - Quick Pay and Portal Payments Screen Improvements (14338) [Enhancement]

    The 'Quick Pay' and 'Make Payment' screens within the Customer Portal have undergone enhancements, including updates to the Process Payment button logic. Now, this button remains disabled until a payment method is selected. ...
  10. Service Code Setup - Selections For Pricing Model Changed (14384) [Enhancement]

    Different pricing models are available in the Pricing Models drop down on the Add Service Code screen. For more information including the setup process, submit a ticket request to Navusoft. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Code ...