Setup - 70 Release


Accounting - Custom Field 1 and 2 Increased (15671) [Enhancement]
The character limits for the Custom 1 and Custom 2 fields on the Add/Update Bill Group screen have been extended to accommodate up to 100 characters. In the event that this character limit is surpassed, the field will be visually highlighted with a ...
Setup (System) - Division Setup Field Change (14728) [Enhancement]
The "Esc Auto Process" field in Division Setup has been renamed to "Auto Process Service Changes". Pathway :  Setup > System > Division ...
Report Format Setup - Edit Dashboard Panel Allow LOB To Be Cleared - (15695)
The Edit Dashboard Panel feature in Report Format Setup now allows you to easily clear the Line of Business (LOB) selection using the small "x" icon. Pathway:  Setup > Report Formats ...
Notification Templates - Key Paths Available to Text Messages (14544) [Enhancement]
You can now include Key Paths in text messages by double-clicking on them. This will automatically insert the Key Path at the current cursor position. Pathway: Setup > System > Notification Template ...
Work Type Setup - Correction to Inventory Move Type Options (15677)
A correction has been made to the 'Inventory Move Type' field in the Work Type setup screen to only display the following work types: None Delivery Exchange Removal Pathway: Setup > Operations > Work Type ...
System (User) - Last Login Not Displaying on Edit User Screen (15692)
The problem causing the absence of the last login timestamp on the Edit User screen has been resolved. Pathway: Setup > System > User > (select) User ...
System (Permissions) - Logic Updated to Restrict User Ability to Delete Notes (15693)
Previously, an issue with permission logic allowed a user to delete another user's notes regardless if their user account had the permission or not. This has been fixed. Pathway: Setup > System > Permission ...
Report Format Setup - Invoice With Aging Format Renamed (15707) [Enhancement]
In Report Format Setup, the "Invoice With Aging" invoice format has been renamed to "Navu Base Product Format A." Pathway: Setup > Report Formats ...
Refresh and Filter Logic Updated to Multiple Setup Screens (14447) [Enhancement]
Logic has been updated to multiple screens in the Setup module to retain the filter selection even when the screen is refreshed. Pathway: Setup - Multiple screens affected ...
Service Code Default Rate Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Services > Default Pricing > Service Code This article details the process of defining a default rate for a service code. When a default rate is established, the rate is automatically applied when a service is added to a s...
Operations (Setup) - Validation Message Updated in Manifest Consolidation Eligible Setup (14640) [Enhancement]
The validation popup that appears when a user incorrectly attempts to add a charge code has been updated with new wording. Previous : First add selected Charge Code by clicking Plus (+) sign.  New: Charge Code must be added by clicking (+) b...
Work Type - New Notification Alert Added (15650) [Enhancement]
Within the Work Type setup screen, a new alert option, "Service Reminder For Every x Weeks Services (Send 1 Calendar Day Prior To Scheduled Service At 7 AM),"   has been added to the Notification Types in the Alerts tab. Pathway:  Se...
System (Division) - New Lockbox Import Format Added (15268) [Enhancement]
A new "Signature Waste Import" format has been added as an option in the "Lockbox Import Format" dropdown menu. Pathway: Setup > System > Division ...
Report Formats (Manifest) - Updates to Format (15688) [Enhancement]
The following improvements have been applied to the manifest print format for hazardous material:  The 'Identifier' for the Material Type (Setup > Operations > Material Type) will display on the manifest. Approval codes will not be duplicated ...
Report Format Setup - 'View' Hover Logic Updated (15785)
The logic has been modified to 'View' with regard to which file types appear upon hovering. When a user hovers their mouse over 'View,' only a preview for image file types will be shown. Pathway: Setup > Report Formats  ...
User Setup - Last Login Timestamp Not Working (15692)
An issue that was preventing the Last Login timestamp from recording a user's login time has been resolved. Pathway:  Setup > System > User ...
User Setup - Enhancements Made To Add/Edit User - (15797)
The following changes have been applied to the User Setup screen: A refresh page option added. Reset Password has been moved to the bottom of the Edit User tool. Manager ID has been changed to Manager. Pathway:  Setup > System > User ...
Account Class - Updates to 'Finance Charges / Late Fees' section (15804)
In the Finance Charges / Late Fees section of the Account Class, the option 'Accrued Daily' has been removed from the Finance Charge Type drop-down field. Additionally, the 'Apply Fin Charge From Days' text entry field, which used to display for 'On...
Accounting (Tax Region) - ERP ID Field Displays if Enabled in 'System Options Setup' (15843) [Enhancement]
If the 'Enable ERP Integration' is set to 'Yes' in System Options Setup, an ERP ID field will display in Tax Region Setup. Pathway: Setup > System > System Options;  Setup > Accounting > Tax Region ...
System - 'Other' Template Renamed to NavuSales iOS (15850)
Notification template option 'Other' has been renamed to NavuSales iOS and is no longer available in Customer Service. Pathway: Setup > System > Notification Template ...
System - New Key Paths Added to Service Notifiction / Reminder Template (15879) [Enhancement]
Key Paths for the "Service Notification / Reminder," Notification Type has been updated to include "account.division."   Pathway: Setup > System > Notification Template ...
Operations - Holiday Schedule Editor Updated (14371) [Enhancement]
Previously, when making changes to a holiday schedule item, only the "From Date" field was accessible for editing. This feature has been enhanced to include an editable "To Date" field as well. Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Holiday Sche...
Account Class - Screen Modifications to Add/Edit Account Class (15853) [Enhancement]
The Add/Edit Account Class screen has been modified with the following changes: The 'Status Management' and 'Finance Charge / Late Fees' sections have been relocated to their own tabs. Two new fields "Deposit GL Account" and "Deposit GL Segment" ...
Commission Plans Setup -ABC Pricing Rule Updated (15890) [Enhancement]
In the Add/Edit Commission Rule Parameters editor screen, percentage values have been updated to support a maximum of 200% for the ABC Pricing rule. Pathway:  Setup > Sales > Commission Plans ...
Report Formats - Work Order Format 3 Updated (15892) [Enhancement]
Work Order Format 3 has been updated to display the driver and customer signatures captured in NavuaNav at the bottom of the work order along with the completion date (contingent upon a signature capture). Pathway: Setup > Report Format...
Account Class - Update to Account Portal Tab Setting (15830) [Enhancement]
The 'Enable Service Photo Display' settings has been renamed to "Default Work Order Photo - Display in Customer Portal." Additionally, the photo logic in NavuNav has been modified to align with this updated setting. Pathway: Setup > Acc...
Setup - Site Service Recurring Minimum Functionality Added (15844) [Enhancement]
To offer the availability of site service recurring minimum functionality, the following screens have been updated: Line of Business Pathway:  Setup > Services > Line of Business The Profitability section has been relocated to its own tab. ...