Updated Articles

  1. Surcharge Group Setup - Screen Enhancements (16228)

    The following  enhancements have been made to the Surcharge Group Setup screen: An Export button has been added. A Search bar has been added. Logic for adding surcharges has been changed. To add a surcharge, click the green +  add icon to o...
  2. Accounts - Credit Card Receipt Includes Link To Invoice (16145) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to credit card receipts to now include a hyperlink to paid invoice(s). Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts  ...
  3. Service History Report - 'Gross Qty' and 'No Charge Qty' Columns Added (16181) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the Service History report to include a column for the Gross Quantity and the No Charge Quantity  totals.  Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > Account > Service History ...
  4. Unapplied Management - Unapplied Total Incorrectly Calculated Unapplied Amounts (16164)

    An issue has been resolved that caused the Unapplied Total from correctly calculating the selected unapplied amounts (Payment, Deposit and Adjustments). Pathway:  Accounting > Unapplied Management ...
  5. Login Screen - Updates to Login, New User Login and Reset Password Screens (16196) [Enhancement]

    The following changes have been made to the login, new user login and reset password screens. Login Screen Updates:  The following   enhancements have been made to the Login screen:  Addition of a 'Show My Password' check box. New User...
  6. Bulk Update - Upload Source File Limited To CSV or XLSX Extensions (16124)

    Bulk Update has been updated to only allow .csv or xlsx file formats to be uploaded in Upload Source File. Pathway:  Database > Bulk Update ...
  7. Work Type Event Class Setup - Inactivate Option Added (16215) [Enhancement]

    The Work Type Event Class screen now features an Active field with 'Yes' and 'No' options for each work type event class. If a work type event class has '0' linked service codes, it can be marked as inactive. In cases where a service code is linked,...
  8. Proposals and Service Agreements - Unwanted PDF Copies of Forms Included in Email (16160)

    When emailing proposals and service agreements from the Navusoft application, if the user selected forms to attach with the email, a PDF copy of the proposal/agreement was also attached even if the 'Include Attachment?' check box wasn't checked. Thi...
  9. Service Code and Charge Code Setup - Option to Hide Inactive Items Added (16216) [Enhancement]

    A 'Hide Inactive' check box has been added at the top of both the Service Code Setup and Charge Code Setup screens. By default, this box is checked upon the initial loading of the screen to hide inactive codes. To display the codes, uncheck the box....
  10. Permission Setup - Enhancements to Role Permission Tab (16197) [Enhancement]

    The following enhancements have been applied to the Role Permission grid in the Permission Setup screen: The 'Authorized,' 'Not Authorized' and 'New' icons in the Authorization Status column have been replaced with a drop down selection for each r...