Operations - 73 Release


Route Dispatch Map (Operations) - Truck's Last Known Location Not Displaying on Map (16725)
An issue has been resolved that prevented a truck's last known location from being displayed on the Route Dispatch Map. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch  ...
Active Dispatch (Operations) - Screen Enhancements (16188, 16621) [Enhancement]
The following screen improvements have been applied to the Active Dispatch screen: A Filter Equipment option has been added to further filter the Unassigned Work column. The stop's sequence number displays inside the location pin (only for route...
Route Management - Sort Functionality Added to Start Date (16795) [Enhancement]
Sorting logic has been implemented for the Start Date column in the Pending tab of the Route Management screen. Pathway: Operations > Route Management ...
AR Payment Batch (Accounting) - Import Logic Updated to Use Default Payment Type (16809) [New Feature]
When importing payment batches, import logic has been updated to use the 'Default Payment Type' selection to populate the 'Type' field for each payment line. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
Route Management (Operations) - Map Marker Colors Enhanced (16790)
An enhancement has been made the Route Management Map to change the colors of the map markers to better stand out against the map background. Pathway:  Operations > Route Management  ...
Route Management (Operations) - Map Not Opening in Current Tab (16850)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the map from opening when double-clicking on a single service in the Current tab of Route Management.  Pathway: Operations > Route Management  ...
Dispatch (Operations) - Edit Route Record Title Bar Updated (16851) [New Feature]
The title bar in the Edit Route Record popup editor has been updated to include the route name and date. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch ...
Services List (Operations) - Logic Updated for Timestamp Discrepency (16803)
The timestamp discrepancy between the timestamp on the Edit Service Record screen and the timestamp on the Services List screen has been resolved.   Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
Route Management (Operations) - Current Tab List Jumps To The Top When New Sequence Number Is Entered (16856)
Previously, an issue occurred in the Route Management's Current tab: when a new sequence number was entered, the page would jump back to the top of the list. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Operations > Route Management ...