Site Level Notes

Pathway: Customer > Search - Account

This article details notes that are available at the site level. Site Level notes will display ONLY on the site they were added to.


The following permissions are required to create and manage site-level notes, including those added by other users:

Warning on Open

Add a 'Warning On Open' note to a site to alert users of a site specific issue or processes. Warnings entered here will display each time the site is accessed. If the account the site belongs to also includes a 'Warning On Open' note, the site's warning note will display below it.

Access Information

Enter an Access Information note to communicate information the driver will need to access a service location. This will display on the service record for the driver, and in the Site Details section of the Customer Service screen.

Service Notes

Service Notes provide a way to communicate necessary information about the service for a location to the driver in the driver app. Notes entered here are also visible on the Customer Service screen by expanding the service, and are controlled using start and end dates.

One-Time Note

Add a one-time note at the site level, which will appear only on the specified day in the calendar for the selected site. These notes are versatile, often used to document interactions or key updates related to the site.

Work Order Notes

Add a note to a work order for when the driver needs to be alerted of a one-time change to a location's servicing. Hover over the work order from the customer service screen and an informational pop-up displays with the added note at the bottom.

Related Articles:

Note Type Setup

Overview of Note Types

Account Level Notes