Charge Code Tiered Pricing Setup

Charge code tiered pricing is a flexible pricing strategy designed to offer varying pricing levels based on the quantity associated with a charge code. Setup for this pricing feature begins with configuring the charge code and is then further defined at the site level. Pricing brackets are defined during the activation of a service, where the charge code with tiered pricing enabled is used.

Setup: Charge Code

Pathway: Setup > Services > Charge Code

To configure tiered pricing, select "Tiered" from the Pricing Model drop down in the Add/Update Charge Code screen. Once saved, "Tiered" will appear next to the charge code name, enabling easy identification and use.

Additional information related to Charge Codes and their setup can be found here: Charge Code Setup.

Setup: Available Charge Code

Pathway: Setup > Services > Available Charge Code

To ensure the charge code set up for tiered pricing is available for use, set its availability to either All Service Regions or Specific Service Regions. If "Specific Service Regions" is selected, the regions will display on the screen's lower grid with a toggle switch. Review each region and toggle the switch to "Enabled" (displayed as green when enabled) to make the charge code available in that region.

Additional information related to Available Charge Codes and their setup can be found here: Available Charge Codes.

Add Active Service with Tiered Pricing

Pathway: Customer Service Screen > Active Services > Add Active Service

The quantity levels for tiered pricing associated with a charge code are defined when adding or updating a service on an account. In the Add Active Service screen, after adding a charge code with tiered pricing enabled, users can click the "Tiered Pricing" hyperlink to set rates for the various unit quantity levels.

Create Pricing Brackets

Tiered pricing consists of a series of rate brackets that group units by quantity and assign a corresponding rate. 

Tiered Pricing Types

In the Service Charge Tiered Pricing popup editor, users can define rate brackets based on quantity levels using three pricing types: Each, Range Total and Total Quantity Per Unit. These types determine how the system calculates a total amount. 

Viewed Tiered Pricing on a Work Order

Tiered pricing rates can be easily viewed on a work order by clicking the tiered pricing icon displayed next to the Per Unit rate column. This provides a read-only view of the pricing structure used to calculate the work order's total cost.

Edit Tiered Pricing for an Active Service

Pathway: Customer Service Screen > Active Services > Edit Active Service

Changes to tiered pricing, for any reason, can be edited from the Edit Active Service screen.  

Edit Active Service

Edit Tiered Pricing