The following changes have been applied to the Surcharge Rate Setup screen:
- A 'Show Rate History' check box has been added. By default, it is unchecked, allowing for the display of only current and future surcharge rates.
- The Surcharge Rate tab includes multiple updates:
- A 'Created By User' and timestamp tooltip has been added to the Division, Service Region, and Effective Date columns. To view the tooltip, hover the mouse over the effective date.
- A 'Ended By User' and timestamp tooltip has been added to the End Date column. To view the tooltip, hover the mouse over the end date.
- The Rate column has been updated to match the surcharge rate type.
- A delete option has been added to surcharge rates and will allow for a rate to be deleted if it hasn't been used on an AR record.
- Background color coding has been applied to the surcharge rows, determined by the effective date and end date.
- Red = Indicates the surcharge rate has a future end date.
- White = Indicates the surcharge rate does not have an end date.
- Purple = Displays for rates with a future dated Effective Date.
- Changes to Add/Update Surcharge Rate popup editor:
- End Date and Note fields have been added.
- Edit logic has been applied to only allow the editing of the End Date and Note if the surcharge is associated to a AR record.
- If the surcharge is linked to an AR record, the end date must fall after the most recent AR record's date.
Pathway: Setup > Services > Surcharge