Refund / Rebate Check (Accounts) - Updates to Rebate Check Prepayment to Better Support Refund Scenarios (17503)

Enhancements have been made to Customer Service, AR History, Permissions, and other areas to expand rebate check prepayment, providing better support for refund scenarios.

Customer Service Screen

In the Menu dropdown, 'Rebate Check Prepayment' has been renamed to 'Refund / Rebate Check.'

Additionally, permission 174 ('Add Rebate Check Prepayment') has been renamed to 'Add Refund / Rebate Check' and now grants access to the 'Refund / Rebate Check' option in the Customer Service screen's menu.

Add Refund / Rebate Check

The Add Prepayment window has been updated to 'Add Refund / Rebate Check' and the following other enhancements have been applied to the screen: 
  • Account ID is just 'Account'.
  • Addition of a Reason Code drop down.
  • Removal of up/down arrows from the Check # and Amount fields.
  • Logic updated to Amount field to require an entry value greater than '0'.
  • Post logic has been updated to allow only positive amount values.

Main Menu - Vendor/Rebate Payments

The 'Vendor/Rebate Payments' main menu option and its corresponding screen have been renamed to 'AP Payment Batch.' In addition to this, the following supporting permissions have been renamed:
  • 'View/Add Vendor/Rebate Payments' is now 'View/Add AP Payment Batch'
  • 'Post Vendor/Rebate Payment' is now 'Post AP Payment Batch'
  • 'Void Vendor/Rebate Payment' is now 'Void AP Payment Batch'

AR History

In AR History, 'Rebate Prepayment' has been renamed to 'Rebate/Refund Check.'