New Articles

  1. Accounts - View/Edit Proposal Details Display Payment Information (16045) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to View/Edit Service Agreement to display the payment information if payment was collected when the contract was signed. Pathway:  Search > Accounts > Orders, Quotes, and Contracts (section) ...
  2. Dispatch - Map Routes Button Not Loading Stops With NULL Route ID (16088, 16089)

    Previously, if the route ID was null (blank) in Dispatch, the following issues occurred:   The Map Route button did not load stops that didn't have a route assigned to them. This has been fixed. In the Weekly by Route view, clicking on the count...
  3. Division Group Setup - External ID Added To Setup (16100) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the Division Group Setup screen to include an External ID field.  Pathway:  Setup > System > Division Group ...
  4. Dispatch - Division Selection Now Allows Selection of Division Groups (15947) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made within the Division drop down selection to include the selection of Division Groups. When a group is available, the group name is displayed in bold, and the divisions within the group are indented with dashes. ...
  5. Accounts - Linked Items Now Display with 'Email Invoice with PDF Attachment' (16070) [Enhancement]

    "Email Invoice with PDF Attachment" has been improved to included linked items such as tickets and images.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  6. Autopay Management - 'Day of Month' Added to Export File View (16033) [Enhancement]

    The Export file from the Autopay Management screen has been corrected to include the 'Day of Month' column. Pathway:  Accounting > Autopay Management  ...
  7. Tax Summary Report - Ability To Filter By Period Date Range (16081) [Enhancement]

    'Period From' and 'Period To' parameters have been added to the Tax Summary report to allow filtering the report using a date range.  Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Tax Summary ...
  8. Reason Code Setup - Addition of Active Field (15997) [Enhacnement]

    A new 'Active' column has been added in both the Add and Edit Reason Code screens, as well as the Reason Code Setup screen. To modify the active status of a reason code, double-click on the corresponding row, and the Edit Reason Code editor will be ...
  9. Dispatch - Multiple Days Not Showing Correct Order (16087)

    Previously, an issue occurred in Dispatch when viewing routes for multiple days—days were not displayed in the expected order by date. This issue has now been resolved. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch  ...
  10. Document Format - Fields Removed From Proposal Document Fields (16003)

    In Document Format Setup, the list of available field options for Proposals has been updated to exclude the following fields: site.division.logoURL salesRep.photoURL Pathway:  Setup > Document Formats ...