Unapplied Management

Pathway: Accounting > Unapplied Management

The Unapplied Management screen displays accounting details for payments and overpayments collected on an account that have not yet been applied to an invoice. From this screen, users can apply payments to invoices manually or by using the Auto Apply feature.


The following permissions are required to use the features of the Unapplied Management screen:

Field Descriptions

Apply Payment

The Unapplied Management screen features the ability to apply a payment to a single or multiple invoices with an outstanding balance. With the Payment check box checked, review the Unapplied column on the screen and apply the amount either manually or using Auto Apply.

Convert a Deposit and Apply Payment

The Unapplied Management screen features the ability to apply deposits to an outstanding balance. By filtering the screen down to only the payment deposits, users can quickly convert a deposit to a payment so it can then be applied to invoice balance. Review the two-step process outlined below to convert a payment and then apply it to an invoice.