Add Photos, Attachments, Purchase Orders and Waste Profiles to Accounts

Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts

From the Accounts screen, use the attachments icon to add photos, attachments, purchase orders, and waste profiles. Items added here are linked at the account level and can be accessed from any site view.


The following permissions are necessary to access and use the Photos, Attachments, Purchase Orders and Waste Profiles screen:

Permission IDPermission Name
View Account
View Site

Add Photo

Add a photo to a site, and review photos attached to a work order in the photos tab. 

Add Attachment

Add any necessary files and documents needed to be included for site information, such as tax exemption forms, disposal forms and more. 

Add Blanket Purchase Order

Create a Blanket Purchase Order for an account to bill recurring services, manual charges and on call orders to. Blanket Purchase Orders can be limited to a specific site under the account, or be made available to all sites. After a Blanket PO has been created, the option to delete will be unavailable if any records are linked to it. Use the Blanket PO Management tool under the Accounts module to review and manage all Blanket PO's for all accounts.

Add Waste Profile

Continue to Waste Profile Setup link for more information.

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Blanket Purchase Order Management

Waste Profile Setup