Accounts - Logic Updated for Posted/Billed Service Records (15222)

Edit logic has been updated to Service Record Details for service records in a posted or billed status.

If the posting status is 'Posted' or the work order billed, the following applies:

  • All fields are disabled for edits
  • Service Record Charges are disabled for edits
  • Source Location is disabled of Add/Edit/Delete/Link options
  • Disposal is disabled of Add/Edit/Delete
  • Material is disabled of Add/Edit/Delete
  • Payments are disabled of Add/Edit/Delete
  • Labels are disabled of Add/Edit/Void/Approve and weighing

If the posting status is 'Posted' the following can still be edited:

  • Destruction Date
  • Posting Status
  • Photos can be added but not deleted.
  • Attachments can be added but not deleted.

If the posting status is 'Billed' the following CAN be edited:

  • Destruction Date

Pathway: Accounts > Search: Work Order