Updated Articles

  1. Order Processing/Edit Service - Date and Label Discrepency Between Work Order and Order Processing Screen (15585)

    An issue has been resolved that caused a discrepancy between the date and label displayed on the Order Processing screen and what appeared on the work order when a service was edited. Pathway:   (Load) Accounts > Edit Service ...
  2. Customer Portal - Inventory Added to Service Map Export (15578) [Enhancement]

    The export feature within the Customer Portal's Service Map has been improved to include site inventory for equipment that corresponds to the items listed on a service record. Pathway: Customer Portal > Service Map > Export Icon ...
  3. Refresh and Filter Logic Updated to Multiple Setup Screens (14447) [Enhancement]

    Logic has been updated to multiple screens in the Setup module to retain the filter selection even when the screen is refreshed. Pathway: Setup - Multiple screens affected ...
  4. Report Format Setup - Invoice With Aging Format Renamed (15707) [Enhancement]

    In Report Format Setup, the "Invoice With Aging" invoice format has been renamed to "Navu Base Product Format A." Pathway: Setup > Report Formats ...
  5. System (Permissions) - Logic Updated to Restrict User Ability to Delete Notes (15693)

    Previously, an issue with permission logic allowed a user to delete another user's notes regardless if their user account had the permission or not. This has been fixed. Pathway: Setup > System > Permission ...
  6. Aging Report

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging The Accounts Receivable (AR) Aging report is to provide a clear and organized overview of outstanding customer invoices. This report categorizes receivables based on the length of time the...
  7. Route Management - Route Drop Down Default To Top Of List (15652)

    The logic for the Route drop-down list in the 'Current' tab of Route Management has been revised to automatically open the list with the scroll bar positioned at the top by default. Pathway:  Operations > Route Management ...
  8. Navu Request - Add Date Range Filters To History Tab (15371) [Enhancement]

    An improvement has been implemented in Navu Requests, now featuring a "Created Within" filter within the History tab. Pathway:  Navu Requests ...
  9. System (User) - Last Login Not Displaying on Edit User Screen (15692)

    The problem causing the absence of the last login timestamp on the Edit User screen has been resolved. Pathway: Setup > System > User > (select) User ...
  10. Customer Portal - Unposted Work Orders Displaying in Charge Amounts Before Billing (15665)

    An issue has been resolved that allowed customer's to see subtotal of amounts charged on unposted work orders in the Customer Portal.  Pathway: Customer Portal ...