Route Optimization Setup

The following article details how to use Route Optimization in Dispatch.  Route optimization is an added feature in Navusoft that balances and reorganizes stops among routes to enhance operational efficiency. 

IMPORTANT - Submit a Ticket Request to Navusoft for further information on Route Optimization setup and licensing. 


The following permissions are required for route optimization setup:

Permission IDPermission Name
View Account
View Site
Setup / Operations
Route Management

Setup: Facility

Pathway: Setup > Operations > Facility

When adding a facility, the address MUST BE geocoded to ensure route optimization uses the closest facility to the truck at the point on the route the truck is expected to be full. When entering an address, the system will begin to recommend addresses that match the current entry. Continue with the address entry until the correct address is populated in the results and select it from the list. Upon selection, any remaining address fields will be auto-populated and the disposal location geocoded.  

Field Setup

Setup: Truck

Pathway: Setup > Operations > Truck

Truck Setup helps route optimization determine where on the route to place a disposal trip based on where the truck is calculated to be full. 

Field Setup

Setup: Equipment Type

Pathway: Setup > Services > Equipment Type

To improve route optimization accuracy, the Service Seconds Per Unit field in Equipment Type setup is important for charge code based equipment (i.e. Medical Waste Containers) estimated service duration. Fields here help specifically in calculating stop duration based on average charge code collected quantities. 

Field Setup

Setup: Yard

Pathway: Setup > Operations > Yard

Yards are used for inventory management and are available to be assigned as the default route start and end location in the route setup. Yards are used by Route Optimization to sequence stops based on the truck's start location and end location.

After a yard is created, it will populate as a selection option in the 'Start Yard' and 'End Yard' drop down fields located in the Route Setup screen. 

Field Setup

Setup: Route

Pathway: Setup > Operations > Route

In most cases, trucks begin and end each day at a yard. Yards are used in Route Optimization to sequence stops based on the truck's start location and end location for a route. Assign a daily default Start Yard and End Yard for a route using the days of the week tabs. 

Yards previously created in Yard Setup populate the list of options for the Start Yard and End Yard fields. 

Field Setup

This section applies to the Monday-Sunday tab set displayed on the Add Route popup editor. 

Setup: Line of Business

Pathway: Setup > Services > Line Of Business

The Mobile/Optimization/Online Order tab for a Line of Business allows configuration setup for optimization type based on the Route Smart license setup.  

Field Setup

Setup: Work Type

Pathway: Setup > Operations > Work Type

To improve route optimization accuracy, the 'Order Baseline Seconds' and 'Default Seconds Per Unit' fields in Work Type setup are important for Route Optimization calculations for service-based estimated service duration.  

Field Setup

Setup: Site Details (Customer Service)

Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen 

For sites that are expected to require longer servicing times, enter the estimated time in the the Additional Service Minutes field of Edit Site. When Route Optimization is run, minutes added here are included in calculations. 

Additional Service Minutes is useful for gated communities, security checkpoints, locked enclosures and etc.

Field Setup

The following field setup is optional and only required if a site is known to have a longer servicing time. 

Related Articles:

Route Optimization - Learn how Route Optimization is used in Dispatch.