AR Analysis

Pathway: Reports > Analysis > AR Analysis

The Accounts Receivable (AR) Analysis report offers a comprehensive examination of the Division's AR activity for a designated fiscal year.


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Reports Main Menu
AR Analysis Reports


Type    Identifies the type of AR Analysis report that will be used. Currently, the only selection option is 'AR Analysis.' 

Year    Specifies the year for which all Accounts Receivable (AR) activities within a division will be returned.

Division    Identifies the division for which all Accounts Receivable (AR) activities are associated to.

Run The Report

  1. Select the Type of report.
  2. Select the Year the report will pull data from.
  3. Select the Division you would like to review the AR activity on.
  4. Select 'Run Report' or 'Run as Excel.
    • Run Report: results of the generated report will display in a new window tab. 
    • Run as Excel: results will be exported to Excel for the user to open and view.

Understand The Report

Jan - Dec    Organizes the sums associated with each Accounts Receivable (AR) transaction by month. The ending total for each month is the Beginning Balance for the next month. 
Beginning Balance    Displays the beginning balance for each month that AR activity flows from. 

Manual Changes    Displays the sum of all manual charges for each month.  

Work Order Charges    Displays the sum of all work order charges for each month. 

Recurring Services    Displays the sum of all charges for recurring services. 

Surcharges    Displays the sum of all surcharges for each month. 

Surcharges Non Revenue    Displays the sum off all surcharges that are excluded from revenue, such as city/county surcharges.

Taxes    Displays the sum of all taxes for services rendered. 

Payments    Displays sum of all payments collected for each month. 

Adjustments    Displays the sum of all invoice adjustments for each month. 

Payment Reversals    Displays the sum of all payment reversals for each month. 

Total    Displays the SUM of the Beginning Balance, Manual Charges, Work Order Charges, Recurring Services, Surchages, Surcharges - Non Revenue, Taxes and Payment Reversals MINUS Payments and Adjustments.