New Articles

  1. Account Portal - Updates to Quick Pay and Add Payment Method Screens (15868) [Enhancement]

    The Quick Pay and Add Payment Method screens in the Customer Portal have been enhanced to minimize errors during payment entry or when adding a payment method. Notably, an eCheck Helper image has been included for 'Bank Account' transactions to aid ...
  2. Standard Reports (AR) - Error When Exporting Reports to Excel (15194, 16056, 16247)

    Previously, when a user selected the 'Run as Excel' option to generate the Aging Details and Tax Details reports, an error would occur. This has been resolved. Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details ...
  3. AR Aging Management - 'Total'Calculation Not Rounding Correctly (16379)

    The rounding logic in the Total column of the AR Aging Management screen has been corrected to align with the AR Aging Buckets displayed in the Customer Service screen. ...
  4. Manifest Processing (Operations) - Voided Labels Displaying in Manifest Batches (16262)

    The issue causing voided labels to display on the Manifest Consolidation Batch report has been resolved. Pathway: Operations > Manifest Processing > Manifest Consolidation
  5. AR History (Invoice Adjustment) - Screen Changes for Surcharges and Taxes (16330) [Enhancement]

    The Invoice Adjustment screen has been updated to order surcharges and taxes by the service or charge code they are attached to. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > AR History > (right click on invoice) View Details / Adjust I...
  6. Billing Analyis (Billing) - Reports Not Exporting to Excel (15690)

    The issue preventing the generation of any Billing Analysis reports in Excel has been resolved. Pathway: Accounting > Billing > (right-click) on a batch > Billing Analysis ...
  7. Create a Billing Batch

    Pathway:  Accounting > Billing The Billing Batch screen streamlines the bulk processing of billing transactions within the Navusoft system. This article captures the process of creating a new billing batch. Permissions The...
  8. Create Invoice (AR History) - Message to Display if 'Generate Invoice' Button is Disabled (16349) [Enhancement]

    On the Create Invoice screen, if the Generate Invoice button is disabled, users will see the following reason displayed: "Unable to generate invoice; this account is part of an in-progress billing batch." Pathway: Accounts > Customer Se...
  9. AR History (Accounts) - Daily Auto Apply Not Applying Credits (16316)

    The logic has been updated to fix an issue that was preventing credit invoices from being applied to open and past-due invoices during the daily auto-apply process. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > AR History ...
  10. Inbound/Outbound - Auto Print Scale Ticket for Outbound Orders (16244) [Enhancement]

    The logic for outbound work orders has been updated so that the scale ticket will automatically print when the work status is set to 'Shipped - Completed.' Pathway: Operations > Inbound / Outbound ...