Import Inventory

Pathway: Operations > Inventory Management

The Import Inventory tool is used to mass import equipment inventory from an external CSV file into Navusoft. This article details that process and includes the CSV file requirements for a successful upload.

File Requirements

Import Inventory only supports the CSV file format. 

CSV File Layout

Each upload must adhere to the following column format:

Yard    Matches on Yard ID or Yard Name.

If empty, or a match is not found, the record will be rejected.
Site    Matches on Site ID or External ID.

If empty, or a match is not found, the record will be rejected.
Equipment Type    Matches on Equipment Type ID or Equipment Type Name.

If empty, or a match is not found, the record will be rejected.
Used for equipment types that are not serialized. Enter the Quantity of the equipment type that should be recorded from the upload.

For serialized equipment, enter a value of "1."
If the equipment type IS NOT serialized a quantity is required or the record will be rejected.

If a site inventory or yard inventory record already exists for the same site or yard and equipment type, the quantity will be updated. Otherwise, a new record is created.
Serial Number    
Column used for equipment types that are serialized.

For serialized equipment types, create a new record (row) in the file to separate.  
If the equipment type IS serialized, a serial number must be added or the record will be rejected.

If a site inventory or yard inventory record already exists for the same site or yard, equipment type and serial number, the record will be rejected.

Note    Available to capture notes that should display along with the equipment in the inventory screens.


CSV Examples

Serialized and non-serialized inventory can all be included in one file. 



Upload Complete

After an upload is complete, the user will receive a notification alert along with a Confirmation popup that provides access to an Import Response file. In that file, users will see all of the same column information as their import file, with the addition of Status and Rejection Reason columns.

If a record is rejected, correct the information mentioned in the Rejection Reason column and upload the file again. 

Best Practice Tip: remove the records that were successfully uploaded to prevent the possibility of duplicates.