Import Balance Write Off

Pathway: Database > Import > Import Balance Write Off

The following article captures the requirements of importing balance write offs for an account. 

 This process cannot be undone. Before proceeding with the import, ensure the accounts in the file are accurate.

Required Permissions

The following permissions are required to access Import Account Notes and Import Site Notes:

Permission IDPermission Name
Import Balance Write Off

File Format Requirements: 

  • CSV

Reason Code ID

Pathway: Setup > System > Reason Code

Refer to your system's reason code ID to ensure your import file is properly configured and to avoid import failures. The ID in the file must match exactly; otherwise, the account write-off will not process.

Column Header File Requirements

To import a file successfully,  it must contain the following three columns in the order shown in the example below. Column headers must be placed in the first row. 

After Import is Complete

Review the Returned File

Review Accounts/Site