Order Processing

Pathway: Accounts > Order Processing

The Order Processing screen offers a platform to review new customers (and their services), service changes for existing customers and online on-call orders received from the portal. It allows for adjustments to be made to start dates and rates before the services begin, ensuring all necessary modifications are addressed in advance.


The following permissions are required to view and use the Order Processing screen:

Tab: New Customer/Site

In order for a new account or site to be categorized under the "New Customer/Site" tab, two conditions must be met: first, the order form or contract must be approved and sold, and second, the account status must be designated as "Prospect." From this screen, users can review the new customers and sites and access their account by clicking on the site name. 

Tab: Service Changes

The Service Changes tab lists new and existing sites with pending services and service changes that are either awaiting review or placed on hold and not yet posted. For sites in divisions where Auto Process Service Changes is enabled, service changes are automatically posted and will not appear here for review. To load the screen: Select an option from each filter at the top of the screen, then click Load.

Tab: Online On-Call Orders

The "Online On-Call Orders" tab displays sites that have requested an on-call order via the Account Portal. Sites can only submit on-call order requests through the portal if the "Enable On Call Orders" field is set to "Yes" in the Account Class settings. To load the screen: Select an option from the Division filter at the top of the screen, then click Load.