New Articles

  1. Service Code Setup - Selections For Pricing Model Changed (14384) [Enhancement]

    Different pricing models are available in the Pricing Models drop down on the Add Service Code screen. For more information including the setup process, submit a ticket request to Navusoft. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Code ...
  2. Reports (Standard - Disposal Detail) - New Parameters Added (15327) [Enhancement]

    Two new parameters "Weight Summary Unit" and "Volume Summary Unit" have been added to the Disposal Detail report as required fields. In addition, the "LOB" parameter has been modified to display as "Line of Business."  Pathway:  Reports ...
  3. Accounts (Service Record) - Update to Add State ID to Source Location Tab (14899) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to add State ID to the Source Location tab in the Service Record. In addition, the Source Location search box has been expanded to include the ability to search by State ID. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > A...
  4. Customer Portal - Logic Update to Display of Total Due (15144) [Enhancement]

    Logic has been update to the Account Balance Due that displays in the Customer Portal to exclude the Unapplied Payments/Credits amount. Pathway: Account Portal > Make a Payment ...
  5. Dispatch (Services List) - Productivity View Added (14163) [Enhancement]

    A new "Productivity" option has been added to the view drop down on the Services List screen in Dispatch.   Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  6. Opportunities - Dashboard Filter Not Limiting Detail Results - (15641)

    Previously an issue was occurring within the Opportunities Dashboard where the filter options were not matching the grid details results.  This has been resolved.  Pathway:  Sales > Pipelines > Opportunities  ...
  7. AR Payment Batch - Timezone Display Correction (15337)

    Previously, the timestamp in the AR Payment Batch details screen used the UTC timezone while AR Payment Batch used the division's timezone. This has been corrected so all payment batch screens consistently use the division's local time.  ...
  8. Rate Update Batch - Contract Expiration Date Hyperlink To Contract - (15522)

    Within the Rate Update Batch Details, the Contract Expiration date is now a hyperlink that, when clicked, will open and allow viewing of the associated contract.  Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch ...
  9. Available Services - All Expected Charge Codes Displaying - (15595)

    Previously within Available Services Setup, the charge code selection was not showing all available charge codes. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Available Services  ...
  10. User Location - User Drop Down Selections Displaying - (15323)

    A reported issue has been resolved that prevented the user names from displaying in the User drop down if "Hourly Breadcrumb" was selected for the Location Type.  Pathway:  Sales > Maps > User Location ...