New Articles

  1. Sales Results Net New - Site Count Added to Fields in Report (13972) [Enhancement]

    A site count has been added below the 'New' and 'Increases' columns of the Sales Results Net New Report . Select the site count to open the Sales Result Details screen to view the details of the sites included in the count. Pathway: ...
  2. Operations (Dispatch) - Disposal Departure Date and Time Updated (14252)

    Previously, the Disposal Departure date and time in the Completion Data tab was displaying incorrectly. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch  ...
  3. Operations (Dispatch) - Screen Update to Display Summary of Workers Assigned to a Route (14226, 14313) [Enhancement]

    The Crews view of the Dispatch screen has been updated to include a Labor Summary column to display the names of all workers assigned to the route. Select the name of a worker to open the Route Labor Summary popup window to access Work Orders and th...
  4. Blanket Purchase Orders - New Tool Available in Account Attachments (14035) [Enhancement]

    Create a Blanket Purchase Order  for an account to bill recurring services, manual charges and on call orders to. Blanket Purchase Orders can be limited to a specific site under the account, or be made available to all sites. After a Blanket PO has...
  5. Operations (Dispatch) - New Split Order Feature Available (14567)[Enhancement]

    A new Split Order feature has been added to Service Records in Dispatch. Split Orders are manually created when a (parent) work order has an uncompleted task (such as returning the yard box back to the site) and completing that task requires a new w...
  6. Operations (Service Records) - Dialog Box Title Updated For Photo Emails (14427)

    Previously, the email dialog box that displayed when emailing an image from the Work Order was titled 'Email Proposal'. This has been renamed to 'Email Work Order Photo'. Pathway:  Worker Order linked to an account ...
  7. Account Portal - Account Portal Updated to Reflect Currency Code Selected in NavuCore (14122) [Enhancement]

    An update has been made to Account Portal to use the currency code selected in NavuCore under Setup > System > System Options > Currency field. Pathway: Setup > System > System Options ...
  8. Accounts - Search by Work Order (14629)

    Previously, when searching by Work Order, an issue caused the most recently viewed work order to return in the search and not what was entered. This has been fixed. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Work Order/Invoice/Reference/PO ...
  9. Setup - Length Of Name Field Increased for Several Setup Screens (14590) [Enhancement]

    The length of the Name field on several Setup screens have been extended to 50 characters. The screen will highlight red if the 50 character limit is exceeded. This has been applied to the following Name fields: Equipment Type ( Setup > Services ...
  10. Accounting (GL Transaction Processing) - Multiple Enhancements to GL Batch Processing (14409, 14532) [Enhancement]

    The following modifications have been made to GL Batch Processing: GL Batch Processing has been renamed to GL Transaction Processing. The AR Period filter has been relocated to display above the screen tabs and will display "Closed" or "Partia...