New Articles

  1. Accounts - Calendar Time Displaying Correctly (14573)

    Previously, Time Stamps on the calendar were displaying as the Server Time instead of the Local Time. A fix has been installed so that timestamps after the update will be recorded and display local time properly. Pathway : Accounts > Search...
  2. Disposal Detail Report – Sort Order Updated (14052)

    The Disposal Detail Report has been updated to sort dates in descending order with the most recent date/time displayed at the top. Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > Operations > Disposal Detail ...
  3. Operations (Route Management) - Update to Excel Export Location ID And Address Information Columns - (14429)

    Previously, when information from the Current tab in Route Management was exported to Excel, Location ID and Address information were   displaying in the same column. This has been updated to display them in separate columns. Pathway: ...
  4. Reports (Standard Reports) - Permission Update to View/Use Disposal Details Report (14565)

    A permission related issue was preventing users from viewing the Disposal Details Report. This has been resolved and users must be assigned permission 298 'Standard \ Operations Reports' to access the report. Pathway:  Reports > Standard ...
  5. Account (Service Records)- Worker Availability Updated on Labor Tab (14225, 14312) [Enhancement]

    The Labor tab on the Service Record has been updated to display unavailable workers in red text. Workers display as unavailable if they have an availability exception, or if servicing is scheduled for a day the worker is indicated as Not Available ...
  6. Operations (Dispatch) - Services List Auto Save Changes (14498) [Enhancement]

    The Save  button has been removed from Services List. Screen logic has been updated to automatically save as changes are made. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch > Services List ...
  7. Manifest Consolidation – Updating ‘Post Batch’ Status (14025)

    Logic has been updated to the availability of the 'Post Batch' status option in Manifest Consolidation. Post Batch is only available for selection when the work order linked to the batch is in a 'Posted' status. Pathway: Operations > Manifest C...
  8. Dispatch - Performance Update to Refresh Button in Services List (14274)

    Performance has been updated to the refresh functionality when viewing the Services List screen in Resource Planning view. Previously, changes to a work order were not displaying when refresh was selected. This was resolved. Pathway: Op...
  9. Notification History - Text Service Notifications Were Not Displaying (14218)

    Previously, an issue prevented text service notifications from displaying in the Notification History screen when the Notification Template Type (filter) was set to 'Service Notification / Reminder'. This has been resolved. Pathway: ...
  10. Dispatch - New View Added to Services List in Dispatch (13978) [Enhancement]

    'Billing 2' has been added as a new view option for Services List (Operations > Dispatch) screen. This view includes the same fields as the original Billing view with an added Recurring Rate column. Recurring Rate only includes monthly recurring f...