Opertions (Resource Calendar) - *New* Resource Calendar Available (14386, 14372, 14374, 14485) [Enhancement]

A new Resource Calendar tool has been released in the Operations module under Resource Scheduling. This tool provides dispatch with a high level view of worker availability, route assignment conflicts and displays the current status of a route. Filtering options are located along the top of the screen to limit what displays along with a calendar navigation tool to view current, past and future weeks (current week displays by default).

This tool requires permission 440 (Resource Scheduling) to view and edit. Additional permission setup requirements are outlined in the Logic section of the Resource Calendar article linked below.

Worker Grid

The Worker section displays each worker's availability and capabilities (the line of business they service) based on what was established in Worker Availability and Capability AND any Availability Exceptions added in the Worker Calendar. On a day the worker is considered available, the cell will display white and the time frame of availability will populate in blue font. Gray cells indicate the worker is not available and red cells indicate the worker has an availability exception (example: sick on a day they are considered available).

On Screen Functionality (Worker):

  • Select a the worker's name to access their Worker Calendar.

  • Right click within a cell to add an Availability Exception for a worker.

  • Select a route to open the Edit Route Record popup editor and assign the route to another available resource.

Pathway: Operations > Resource Scheduling > Resource Calendar

Articles:  Resource Calendar; Worker Availability and Capability