Add a New Account (Active)

Pathway: Customer > Add Account

Before adding a new account, consider searching for the account to verify one hasn't already been created. Otherwise, upon selecting 'Create Account' the system will check for duplicates.

You can streamline the Add Account process using account templates. Learn more here: Account Template Setup. Account Template Setup.

In the Add Account editor, accounts can be added either as an Active account or a Prospect account. This illustrates the process of creating an Active account for new customers. Review each section and minimally complete all required fields highlighted in red. Field descriptions that include logic and setup can be viewed here: Create Account: Screen Field Descriptions.


The following permissions are required to create and edit accounts and sites.  

Create Account

Account Identification

The following section applies to the drop down fields located at the very top of the Create Account screen. 

Service and Billing Addresses

The following section details what fields must be completed in the Service Address and Billing Address sections. 

Contact Information

The Contact section identifies the account contact and allows the user to also designate them as a billing contact. Additional contacts can be added to the account once the account has been created.

Billing Information

The Billing section is responsible for configuring the account's billing settings and specifying preferences for invoice notifications. After an account is created, billing information can be updated on the customer service screen by right-clicking within the account details section and selecting "Edit." This section does not display for prospect accounts. Further information about this section can be found in the Billing section of the Create Account: Screen Field Descriptions article. 

Sales/Regional Information

The sales and regional information section identifies the account's sales representative and gathers geographic region details for tax calculations and applicable surcharges.

Create Account & Check For Duplicates

Upon selecting Create Account, the system will check for any duplicates. Review the list of returned results to verify a duplicate does not exist before proceeding any further.

Review Additional Setup 

After an account has been created, additional setup may be required. Review the Edit Account and Edit Site screens to add any additional information. Fields in here are found by double-clicking within Account Details and Site Details sections. 

Edit Account

Access Edit Account by double-clicking within the left side of Account Details. 

Edit Site

Access Edit Site by double-clicking within the Site Details section of the screen. 

Related Articles:

Create Account: Screen Field Descriptions

Add and Edit Contacts

Add Active Service

Add Account Template