Tax Summary

Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Tax Summary

The Tax Summary report offers a concise overview of a division's sales taxes assessed within the chosen time frame.

Required Permissions

Permission IDPermission Name
Standard AR / Report
Standard Account / Report

Report Parameters and Values

Filters to a specific month and year period.

Filters the report to only return results for accounts in the selected Division.  

Filters the report to only return results related to the selected Tax Group.

Run The Report

  1. Select the Period the report applies to.
  2. Optional filters to apply:
    • Division
    • Tax
  3. Select Run Report or Run as Excel. 
    • Run Report: results of the generated report will display in a new window tab. 
    • Run as Excel: results will be exported to Excel for the user to open and view.

Understand The Report

Not all sales are taxable. If a service code or charge code's setup indicates it is not taxable, any associated charges will not be factored into the Taxable Sales total. This also applies for sites marked 'Tax Exempt.'

The division taxes apply to. 

Tax Name    
The name of the tax applied to the sale. 

Total Sales    
The total sales amount for the division in the selected period.  

Taxable Sales    
Displays what amount of the Total Sales are taxable.

The total amount of taxes collected from the Taxable Sales.