Service History Report

Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > Accounts > Service History

The Service History Report provides a comprehensive overview of the service history for the sites associated with an account, within a specified time frame.


Permission ID
Permission Name
Standard Account / Report

Report Parameters

Account ID    
Filters the report to the account matching the Account ID entered.

Start Date    
Filters the report to only pull service history on or after the date entered.

End Date    
Filters the report to only pull service history before or on the date entered.

Charge Code    
Option to filter the service history to a specific charge code.

Run A Report

  1. Enter the Account ID the report is for.
  2. Enter a Start Date and End Date to define a time frame for the report to collect service history data from.
  3. Select a Charge Code to restrict the report's data collection to the selected charge code's service history. 
  4. Select 'Run Report' or 'Run as Excel.'
    • Run Report: results of the generated report will display in a new window tab. 
    • Run as Excel: results will be exported to Excel for the user to open and view.

Understand The Report 

Scheduled Date     Displays the scheduled date from the work order.

WO#     Displays the Work Order Number the service history data is associated with. 

Type    Displays the type of service rendered for the workflow.

Workflow    Displays the work type that was performed for the service on the date listed.

WO Charges    Identifies the charge(s) that the service included. 

QTY    Indicates the quantity used for/by the service. 

Rate    Identifies the rate that is associated with the QTY. 

Amount    Displays the amount received for the service. This is calculated as QTY x Rate.

Grand Total    
Calculates the total for each of the QTY, Rate and Amount columns.