Reports - 70 Release


Standard Reports (Aging Report) - Error When Bill Group Applied (14795)
An error within the Aging report, triggered by the application of the Bill Group filter, has been resolved. Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details ...
Analysis Reports - AR Analysis Report Updated (15771) [Enhancement]
A new "Type" column has been added to the 'AR Analysis Details - Payments' screen, which indicates the type of payment received. To access this screen and review payments for a specific month, select an amount from the Payments row. Pathw...
Analysis Reports (AR Analysis) - Update to Surcharges Amounts (15814) [Enhancement]
The 'Surcharges' in the AR Analysis report have been broken out into 'Surcharges' and 'Surcharge - Non Revenue'. This was done to allow just the surcharge revenue to be tied back to the Revenue Analysis report. Pathway:  Reports > Analys...
Standard Reports (AR) - Driver Productivity Removed (15872)
Within Standard Reports >  AR, the Driver Productivity Report has been removed.  Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR  ...