Portal - 70 Release


Customer Portal - Unposted Work Orders Displaying in Charge Amounts Before Billing (15665)
An issue has been resolved that allowed customer's to see subtotal of amounts charged on unposted work orders in the Customer Portal.  Pathway: Customer Portal ...
Customer Portal - Inventory Added to Service Map Export (15578) [Enhancement]
The export feature within the Customer Portal's Service Map has been improved to include site inventory for equipment that corresponds to the items listed on a service record. Pathway: Customer Portal > Service Map > Export Icon ...
Portal - Enhancement to Allow Customers to View Service History for Inactive Sites (15557) [Enhancement]
The Account Portal has been updated to grant users of an inactive site access to view service history information, associated photos, manifests, and report attachments. Other options, such as the ability to create a request or view AR information, a...
Portal - Payment Notificaiton Logic Updated (15801) [Enhancement]
The payment notification logic has been enhanced for payments made through the Account Portal. Now, payment receipts will be sent to the portal user who initiated the payment. Pathway:   Portal > Make a Payment ...