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  2. Database - Notification History Report was not loading (13914)

    Previously when you selected an Account Name the Notification History report was not loading. Now when you double click on the account name it shows all information as expected. Pathway: Database > Notification History ...
  3. Reports - 66 Release

  4. Bulk Update - Division Added to Target Table Field in Bulk Update Tool (13840) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the target field in the bulk update tool. Division is now an available option in the Target Field drop down when Account has been selected in the Target Table. Pathway: Database > Bulk Upda...
  5. Payment Batch - Un-post Logic Updated for Credit Card and Electronic Payment Batches (13883)

    Previously, the 'Un-post' option was available to un-post credit card and electronic payment batches. This option has been disabled for batches that include credit and electronic payments. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment...
  6. Setup (Accounting) - New 'Account Portal URL' Field Added to Bill Group Setup (14153) [Enhancement]

    An Account Portal URL field has been added to the Add Bill Group screen to accommodate accounts with multiple portal URLs. When the Account Portal URL field is populated for the Bill Group, it will display on invoices, past du...
  7. Notification History - Customer Details Not Loading (13914)

    Previously, the customer details page would not load when the user clicked on the account's name from the Notification History screen. This has been fixed. Pathway: Database > Notification History Articles: N/A ...
  8. Service Code - Screen is Experiencing a Longer Load Time (13842)

    A performance issue was causing the Service Code screen to take longer to load. This has been fixed. Pathway: Setup > Services > Service Code Articles: N/A ...
  9. Dispatch - Ticket Number Added to Route Disposal Records (13855)

    A Ticket Number column has been added to the Route Disposal Records screen and displays the ticket number the driver received from the disposal location. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch (Route Disposal Record) ...
  10. Operations - 67 Release