Accounting - 68 Release


Accounting - Expired Credit Card Notifications Sent to Inactive Accounts (14461)
An issue has been resolved that allowed the Expiration Credit Card Notification to be sent to emails of inactive accounts. If an account is inactive it will no longer receive the notification. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account ...
Accounting - Adjustment History and Pending Approval
The following enhancements have been added to the Pending and History tabs in the Adjustment History and Pending Approval tool.  Pending Tab Edit link added to edit the credit amount request. When Edit is selected the Invoice Adjustment screen di...
Invoice Notification Monitoring - Search and Export Options Added (14780) [Enhancement]
The Notification Details screen available through the Invoice Notification Monitoring  tool has been updated to include Search and Excel export options. Pathway: Accounting > Invoice Notification Monitoring  ...
Billing - Pending Approval Adjustments Added to Pre-Billing Analysis Screen (14785) [Enhancement]
A Pending Approval Adjustments tab has been added to the Pre-Billing Analysis screen in Billing.  Review the tab for outstanding invoice adjustments that have not been approved to prevent billing errors. The following actions can be taken fo...
Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History - Notes Included in Excel Export (14932) [Enhancement]
The Excel Export option located in the History tab of the Adjustment History and Pending Approval screen has been updated to include the export of Notes. Pathway: Accounting > Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History ...
Vendor/Rebate Payments - Hyperlink to View Details Added to History Tab (14939) [Enhancement]
Hyperlinks to view batch details have been added to the following columns in the History tab of Vendor/Rebate Payments: Count Included Printed Posted Select a column value to open the Check Batch Details popup window.  Pathway: ...
AR Payment Batch - Search Field Logic Updated (14951)
Search field logic in the Batch screen has been updated to return the external ID for the account's Previous ID. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
Past Due Notification Letters - Updates to Letter Templates (14800) [Enhancement]
The following changes have been made to Invoice List Past Due Dunning Letters and Past Due Dunning Letters: The remittance address of the division will display in the upper left corner of the letter. The division name/address and customer name...
Status Management - Accounts Not Updating to Selected Status (14911)
An issue has been fixed that prevented users from being able to mass update account status' from the Status Management tool. Additionally, the message in the Confirmation box has been improved. Pathway: Accounting > Status Management ...
Billing - Reversed Invoices Should Not be Included In Print (14904)
An issue in Billing has been resolved that allowed reversed invoices to be included in invoice printing for both the 'Print paper Invoices' and 'Print All Invoices' options. After an invoice has been reversed it will not be included when running an ...
Billing - Billing Export Format 1 Date Order Updated (14927)
Previously, Billing Export (Format 1) incorrectly ordered the dates for quarterly site services. Logic has been updated to order the service dates beginning with the most recent.      Pathway:   Accounting > Billing ...
Invoice Adjustment -Pending Approval And History - Modifications to History Screen (14762) [Enhancement]
The following modifications have been applied to the History screen of the Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History tool:  Added filters: Reason Code Submitted By Approved By Status Search box added. Count and Total display at bot...
Billing - Single Invoice Billing Batch (14848)
An issue has been resolved that caused the incorrect bill group to populate in Billing Batch when a single invoice was created.  Pathway:  Accounting > Billing 
Vendor Invoice Management - Invoice History Export Not Including All Details From Screen (14907)
Invoice History Export logic has been updated to include all details displayed on the History screen.  Pathway: Accounting > Vendor Invoice Management   ...